Use this link to get started.  To fast track setting up your affiliate account, choose the Tradebit

Option.  See ; http://soundofstars.org/affiliates.htm


A variety of banners are available also on this page :




After your account is live and enabled, next you need to set up your own catalog.


As a convenience to affiliates, we have extracted, condensed and summarized

content from our web page.  Many attractive highlights, info bytes, selling points

And sales functions have been situated on one page for you.


This page will look like this on your site ;



You are welcome to use all or just some of the content of this page for your site


This page must be modified and edited after you download it from us and before

you upload it for your own customers.  The editing process is simple but does take

time.  You can perfume all the edits you need using only a text or html editing tool

and an FTP client application.



If you do not have the time and or skill set to modify and fit our catalog to your

website, we can do it for you.  Estimated time to setup the catalog is 2.5 to 4 hours.

The fee for this is $250.00 USD prepaid and you must also provide us with

temporary access to your FTP server.  To do this ( if you need help just call

Your internet service providers technical support line and ask them), simply

create a new FTP account with password that has upload, download,

read write access.


Send us this information, and we will begin!  Send me an email with this information

and prepay the setup and install fee with this link ;




Note, if you retain us to do the setup and installation of your catalog you must allow

up to seven days for completion from date you purchased.  We anticipate the job

Taking the time range stated prior but due to our own scheduling issues we may

not be able to get it all done within one day.


and have it up and running in an hour or less!

Go to this link ;


download the .HTM file and the folder to your computer

Perform minor edits such as indicate the link you want for the 'home' button

The web page can be edited easily in either a text editor or you can even open it in
MS Word 2007 or later and edit it directly to insert or modify web links on graphics

Just make sure you save it as a web page file. as .htm format

Here is all you have to edit ;

In the .HTM file  ( the only edits you will have to di, is to the .HTM file itself )

Locate all entries for the MENU BAR LINKS, note there are seven of these in the file.

Replace all occurrences in the men bars of the 'soundofstars.org' website, with the
link of your own site, where you want the page to be hosted.  The current links in the
existing menu bars, are ;










Next, ( Your almost done by the way ! ), just quickly edit your affiliate sales tracking links ;

The basic format of your affiliate tracking code is easy, it works like this ;

http://www.tradebit.com/visit.php/  (YOUR AFFILIATE ID # GOES HERE)  /product/-/   (PRODUCT ID # GOES HERE)

So for example, here is how the link for an item would actually look ;


Note, where you see ; " XXXXXX " in the above link, you would simply
open the main HTML page in a simple text editor and do a quick
global replace using the "Edit, Replace", function of the
text editor.  

Replace all occurences of " xxxxxx "

with you affiliate number, so say your affiliate number was " 195832"

you replace all " XXXXXX " with " 195832"

So the current links look like these in the .HTM file, presently ;








Where will you find these links, so you can edit them?

If you either look at the page in a browser or if you open it in MS Word 2007 or later,
you will see the section called ; "Products"

In this section you will see five horizontal rows, each row has three product items,
(graphic boxes).  The fifth horizontal row only has two items (not three).

  These graphics have hyperlinks associated with them.

If you are using MS Word, just right click on any graphic and observe the pop up window.

In the pop up Window you will see the option ; " Edit Hyperlink"

Click this option.

You will see the current hyper link associated with the graphic box
(product item), for example the first item will show as ;


Observe that in the link are a bunch of ; " XXXXXX "

All you have to do is replace the " XXXXXX ", with your unique affilate number that you got when you signed up as an affiliate with us via Tradebit ( not Shareasale ).

If you still need to sign up as an affiliate to get your affiliate number, you can find out how to do this by going to ;  http://www.soundofstars.org/affiliates.htm

Once you have replaced all of the " XXXXXX "'s in all of the product links

Save the file.

When editing is complete, place both the .HTM file AND the associated folder on your server ( use your FTP application, or ask your server tech or web development person to do this for you) ;

Place these on your server ;

FILE :            sosfreqkat.htm
FOLDER :    sosfreqkat_files

Your affiliate catalog is now ready to be used to make sales for you!



"Platonic synthetic geometry is a medium of metaphor — a medium akin to,

and inseparable from the well-tempered system of musical composition"



Note: When you setup and install the “sosfreqkat” web page this allows you to immediately

start selling some of our top notch frequency collections and tracks.  You will notice

that our entire catalog is not listed on this one page.  We suggest that you use the

sosfreqkat” web page to start off, gauge how many sales you get, experience some

Sales coming in, and then we can show you how to provide access to all our

frequencies for your customers.  Following below is a variety of ways our inventory

can be viewed ;





A list of Links that allow you to view our inventory from different orders of

priority, see ;

















If you are conducting your own experiments, please do share your

observations and experiences with us.

A good format to follow when providing feedback and comments

from your own daily journal is provided by our member Philran,

for examples he has given see the following links ;







"... frequencies in Earth’s magnetosphere that are close to the tidal frequencies of the planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will remain in step with those planets. You wíll have one magnetic frequency associated with Mars, another with Jupiter, and so on..... magneto-biology, a vast body of knowledge that links planetary alignments with magnetic events on the Sun and the biological consequences of fluctuations in Earth’s magnetic field. That’s what actually gave me the idea that there is a mechanism, magneto tidal resonance, which can not only explain the Sun’s magnetism, but also why specific fluctuations in Earth’s magnetosphere can get phase-locked with the tidal effects of the planets.

Research in magneto-biology shows that a wide variety of organisms respond to changes in Earth’s magnetic field.[14] For
instance, Professor Franck Brown of North-western University, who has done much work in this area, showed how mud-snails and turtles followed the lunar daily magnetic variation even when these creatures were removed from the sea and lodged inside laboratory tanks.[15] The experiments of Dr. Robin Baker of Manchester University suggest that humans are also sensitive to changes in Earth’s magnetic field.[16] Baker first placed people inside a darkened room and asked them to locate North. Most of the time people got it right. But when Baker then fitted these same subjects with a little magnetic skullcap, they lost their ability to find North. This strongly suggests the presence of an internal compass or biological clock.

What I think might be happening is that the foetus’s neural network acts as a sort of antenna that tunes into fluctuations in Earth’s magnetic field. The imprinting of the neural antennae depends on genetic heredity, which gives us our basic congenital personality. Thus, the foetus is genetically predisposed to hear specific planetary signals, much as a radio is resonantly tuned to receive a particular station. So it’s not that the planets make the person. Rather, the planets label a person’s genetic predisposition to respond to specific magnetic signals."

"...Imagine the sun’s magnetic field “ it is more then A magnetic field ” and each planet following the cycle in the spin of the sun’s magnetic field and the planet in turn with its field keeps the moon ” and visa versa” and on a larger scale, the central sun or black-w-hole doing the same to all the stars, planets and moons. In that way they are all interconnected so the combinations of stars that make up the 48 signs including The 12 zodiac signs do have their influence. Related to a personal imprint at the time of birth “ and some time before” because we too are based on the same principles and laws of this great field / structure, all interacting, but remember this is just a simplified example ."


How Earth is Frequency Phase Modulated by Stars, Planets



Altering and Stressing the Phases
Probably the only force that alters the phases of Earth's Fundamental Resonant Frequency and related harmonic frequencies are stressful positions of the Sun, Moon and planets or an orb ejected from Jupiter or Saturn. Alterations or stresses on the phases of the Schumann Resonance by lunar and planetary influences probably are at least a precipitator to, or at the most a cause for, tectonic plates to slip or shift causing earthquakes.

Two traditionally trained Indian scientists publicly and accurately predicted the time, date, longitude/latitude and magnitude of the devastating Indonesian earthquake and tsunami four days before the deadly event occurred. They constructed their prediction by observing the position of the Sun and Moon at the precise times and dates of previous earthquakes greater than a 7.5 magnitude.

This author hypothesizes the phases of the Schumann Resonance were stressed or altered by the Moon (5 degrees Cancer) being in direct opposition to the Sun (5 degrees Capricorn) on December 26, 2004. On March 27, 1964, the Sun was at 7 degrees Aries and the Moon was at 7 degrees Libra and a massive earthquake shook Alaska. During both the Indonesian and Alaskan earthquakes the Sun was exactly 180 degrees opposite of the Moon on a circle while both the Sun and Moon were in what is known as Cardinal signs.

In other words, if you draw a straight line through the middle of the Earth, the Sun was on one side of the globe and the Moon was exactly on the opposite side of our planet. However this straight line of opposition does not flow directly through two sides of the equator or both poles of the Earth. By astute observation and comparison of the angles of the critical Sun/ Moon opposition line as related to the equator and the poles of the Earth, the Indian scientists precisely located the area where and the time when the phases of the Schumann Resonance would be weakened enough to allow tectonic plates to shift. However, the Indian scientists had no awareness of phases for the Schumann Resonance in their research but their earthquake prognostications by observing and calculating the angles of the Sun/Moon opposition through the Earth are astounding. Many people feel they deserve global accolades for their efforts, discoveries and sterling accomplishments.

The prediction by the Indian scientists was about 28 minutes off in predicting when the earthquake would occur. They were correct in calculating the exact time of the opposition of the Sun and Moon but they did not realize the stress caused by these positions would take about 30 minutes to build on and alter the phases of the Schumann Resonance that caused or contributed to the tectonic plates to slip at an exact location on Earth's harmonic grid.

Rhythms of Nature Awareness & Prevention

By creating a dynamic and evolving harmonic grid model of the Earth's phases of the Fundamental Resonant Frequency in conjunction with the transiting positions of the Sun, Moon and planets in the solar system, could predicting earthquakes transition into an exact and precise science? There is one drawback, however. Scientists can measure the frequency of the Schumann Resonance but they cannot accurately determine the phases or amplitudes with any kind of present day instruments.

Until instruments are created that can measure at least the phases, humans will have to observe mathematical or three-dimensional hypothetical models of the phases of Earth's Fundamental Resonant Frequency. When those instruments are operational, this author predicts the scientists will discover 144 phases in each hemisphere of Earth and Mars, 36 to 72 phases in each hemisphere of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and nine to 18 phases in each hemisphere of the Sun. By way of contrast, however, this author predicts the planets Mercury, Venus, Pluto and all the moons orbiting the planets in the solar system will have one spherical harmonic grid (not two hemispheres) with 72 or 96 phases.

The Power of Seven

Why does nature use a division and multiples of 18? A hemisphere of a planet or a molecule is not constructed in numerical sequence because to do so would create a weak structure. Maximum strength of a dome or molecule is attained when the links are spread out over the hemisphere or molecule. The most efficient manner of creating strong links in a dome or molecule is to use the number 18 because the special number of seven provides a means of distributing the links.

Figure 4 [left] has a circle with 18 lines with 20 degrees between each line. A line is drawn from the starting point to a point seven lines or 140 degrees away. As the multiple seven lines or 140 degree sequence is continued around the circle, the line drawn from the 18th or last point connects with the starting point. The alpha (beginning) and omega (end) points of an 18 point circle or a multiple of an 18 point circle using a multiple seven sequence are the same (Figure 5).

When applied to harmonics, the points on the circle represent the phase of the frequency and the circle itself represents the amplitude of the frequency. Obviously, a planet or molecule utilizes more than just one amplitude but for consistency in construction, again, the number seven provides the most strength. Seven circles of 144 lines with a space of 2.5 degrees between each line have the same alpha and omega point when using the multiple seven sequences. Again the seven circles represent seven redundant amplitudes that a planet like Earth uses to construct a harmonic grid.

A line is drawn for the starting point to the next circle and seven lines or every 17.5 degrees (7x2.5 degrees). Figure 6 does not include all 144 lines but only depicts every seventh line where the working line crosses the intersection point of the circle and the structure line. The line from the 144th point to the next point is the starting point and the alpha and omega points are the same and provide strength yet flexibility (Figure 7). On the Earth the distance between the circles is thousands of miles. When instruments are made that can detect the phases of the Schumann Resonance, the author predicts the grid pattern will be similar to a three dimensional version of Figure 7 that is top view of the grid.

Where the starting or Alpha point is located and if the lines or amplitudes are to the left or the right of the Alpha point, are the two determining factors to the spin orientation of the hemisphere. Therefore planets with two hemispheric harmonic grids can have numerous kinds of spin orientations that manifest in countless characteristics and functions. However, the number of spin orientations for the planets are finite. Is the harmonic spin orientation of Uranus so unique that Uranus is the only planet that shifts the north and south poles directly towards the Sun during the full revolution around the Sun?

We invite readers to join the author and other researchers to observe nature and the cosmos. The discussions will be related to how other common occurrences or phenomenon are results of manipulating or harnessing Earth's Fundamental Resonant Frequency of 7.5 Hertz with 144 phases and amplitudes and the various resonant frequencies, phases and amplitudes of the chemical elements, planets and suns in our galaxy.

The geometric and harmonic adventure continues...

The author acknowledges and thanks Susan Kelly, Bruce Rawles, Iona Miller, Peter Vogel and James Golik for their valuable input and contributions to this article. Special thanks to Sue Golik.


The Energy Clock & Quality of the Moment

CLICK THE LINK : http://soundofstars.org/time.htm




In the 1940’s, the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) hired a young electrical engineer -- John Nelson -- in an effort to improve the reliability of HF ("short-wave") radio communications around Earth. Such radio transmissions had been observed to be, for some reason, more reliable in the "lulls" in between, than during solar activity associated with "peak" sunspot years.

To his surprise, Nelson soon specifically correlated this rising and falling radio interference with not only sunspot cycle, but with the motions of the major planets of the solar system; he found, to his increasing astonishment, a very repeatable -- in essence, astrological correlation ... between the inexorable orbits of all the planets (but especially, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune -- which, remember, hold essentially all the solar’s system’s known angular momentum) ... and major radio-disturbing eruptions on the Sun!


For, as part of his solar research, Nelson also "rediscovered" something else ...

"It is worthy of note that in 1948 when Jupiter and Saturn were spaced by 120 degrees, and solar activity was at a maximum, radio signals averaged of far higher quality for the year than in 1951 with Jupiter and Saturn at 180 degrees and a considerable decline in solar activity. In other words, the average quality curve of radio signals followed the cycle curve between Jupiter and Saturn rather than the sunspot curve ... [emphasis added]."


J.H. Nelson, "Planetary Position Effect on Short-Wave Signal Quality" (Electrical Engineering, May 1952)

The shortwave radio signals interference registered by the planets on the Sun, Saturn and Jupiters affect on sunspot activity. "When Jupiter and Saturn were spaced by 120 degrees, and solar activity was at a maximum, radio signals averaged of far higher quality for the year than... with Jupiter and Saturn at 180 degrees and a considerable decline in solar activity. In other words, the average quality curve of radio signals followed the cycle curve between Jupiter and Saturn rather than the sunspot curve ..." - J.H. Nelson, "Planetary Position Effect on Short-Wave Signal Quality" (Electrical Engineering, May 1952)











The Hyperdimensional Model finally provides a comprehensive theoretical explanation

-- a "linking mechanism" -- for these, to a lot of astronomers, still embarrassing decades-old

RCA observations. For, in essence what John Nelson had rediscovered was nothing short

of a "Hyperdimensional


" -- the ultimate, very ancient, now highly demonstrable

angular momentum foundations behind the real influences of the Sun and planets on our

lives ... (click below image)



Stars and celestial bodies makes sounds. Literally. Or at least they create very powerful vibrations which can be easily converted into sound waves.

Compare these actual, real sounds generated by the planets and celestial bodies in our solar system to the sounds I have captured and created for you. Can you notice the peculiar similarity of sound between the sounds of these planetary bodies and the sounds of my frequencies?

Strange, isn't it? You may however, despite noticing the similarities, find something that sounds very very different in my frequencies. That difference is quite significant and of critical importance, I'll explain that later.

First, listen to the sounds created in actual space by the celestial bodies themselves. Here are some links for you to check out these sounds:



Scientists say nerves use sound, not electricity
Last Updated: Friday, March 9, 2007 | 7:13 PM ET CBC News

Team records 'music' from stars
By Pallab Ghosh Science correspondent, BBC News

Scientists have recorded the sound of three stars similar to our Sun using
France's Corot space telescope.





Stanford University

SATURN Issues Signals that Sound Like Speech, Music

Note the similiarity to our frequencies.... this is no mistake......

Mindentudas Egyeteme

National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme



These sounds are produced by internal and externalized processes of the celestial body, such as its internal electro-dynamic field, its magnetosphere, its unique gravitational signature and other sources of pulsing vibrations.





The ancients were aware of what cutting edge cosmology is "discovering" for the "first" time. It is more accurate to say that this is a rediscovery of lost knowledge. The ancients gave us a cosmology that comprised three modes, namely the cardinal, the fixed and the mutable. These modalities interpenetrated all. In our epoch, the cardinal sign leading cusps mark the major seasonal transition points of the year being the spring equinox, the summer solstice, fall equinox and winter solstice in succession. The signs leading these seasons are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn for the tropical zodiac in the present epoch. Those of you, who are familiar with catastrophe theory, recognize the term cusps. The meaning here is the same insofar as they represent discreet boundaries between one state and another. The cardinal signs are followed by the fixed cross of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Finally there are the transitional mode signs called mutable or common, being Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Some phenomena and personalities exhibit one of the three in greater abundance than the other two and thus we have the cardinal, fixed and mutable types of astrology. Each of the three modes was subdivided into four "elements" namely the fire, water, air and earth sub types. These are described as energetic/assertive for fire, intuitive/emotional for water, mental/communicative for air and practical/restraining for earth. Thus we have a type of self-affine structure in the zodiacal distribution of cosmic energy modes.

It has been demonstrated among other things, that a single non linear equation can produce all the above effects of determinacy/periodicity, quasiperiodicity/indeterminacy and chaotic/randomness with all the self-affine shades between each category in complex space/time. It has also been shown the seasonal magnetic variations of the sun on the geomagnetic envelope of Earth and ultimately the effects on all things earthbound. There are also the longer seasons averaging 11 to 22 years in length and the periodic to chaos and back cycle. We have shown the limits of predestination and freedom in the cosmos and ultimately on humanity. Yet, owing to the very complexity of the subject, there is far more awaiting to be discovered.



Cosmobiology is the scientific study of the possible effects of the cosmos upon organic life on Earth and the effects of cosmic rhythms and stellar motion on the potentials, dispositions and fate of human and animal life. Cosmobiology utilises a modern day scientific approach to analysis of cosmic rhythms which includes computer programming, mathematics and statistics.
The science of cosmobiology is an indispensible diagnostic tool that enables insights into character and psychology that have previously been unavailable to practitioners in fields such as counseling, psychology, coaching and medicine.













"Kervran's Proof of Biological Transmutation
In orthodox chemistry, one of the strongest dogmas is the stubborn insistence that it is impossible to create another element by chemical reaction. Most chemists also insist that all reactions occurring in living systems are chemical in nature. They believe fervently that chemistry can and must explain life itself.

In the early 1960's, a French researcher named Louis Kervran published work which flew directly in the face of the accepted chemistry dogma. Kervran reported the astounding results of his research showing that living plants were able to accomplish limited transmutation of elements. Kervran was then the Conferences Director at the University of Paris, and his first paper was published in La Revue Generale Des Sciences, July 1960.
What was so revolutionary was that, according to the prevailing wisdom of science, you can't transmute elements (permanently change the nucleus) except with enormous energy - certainly not with the microvolts and millivolts (and microwatts and milliwatts) that living systems can muster electromagnetically.*






"..a milestone on the road to multiple worlds."


The implication is that sensitive dependence on initial conditions eventually gives way, at the quantum level, to quantum uncertainty of the scarred orbit, globally traversing the space concerned, and it does so by performing a transition from chaos to order dependent on the initial conditions initially following a chaotic trajectory and eventually entering into a periodic orbit.” 

SOURCE:          http://www.dhushara.com/enigma/enigma.htm



Smiling grass. This is a cross section of a single blade of grass, stained for the microscope. The smiley faces are the channels that the water is drawn up through. Taken at the EM lab.


Holographic blood - Dr. Harvey Bigelsen
The crystallized holograms tracked by Dr. Bigelsen are definitely in the blood. He and his colleagues have seen them hundreds of times, and the messages they seem to convey have been proven by confirmed diagnoses. But how can they be explained?

German mystic Rudolf Steiner called them 'etheric crystallizations.' Crystals will grow in
a certain pattern, like a snowflake. The more esoteric aspects of this phenomenon, along with the
practical knowledge required to diagnose and treat from live blood, are the subject of a Dr. Bigelsen's latest book, Holographic Blood.


In 1986, the Hans Nieper Foundation awarded Harvey Bigelsen the Person of the Year, recognizing his work as the most influential for the advancement of natural medicine in the U.S.  Harvey Bigelsen has appeared as a guest on numerous health-focused radio programs and is the author of four books. He continues to lead the forefront of a much needed medical revolution, focusing his work on terrain-based philosophy and European biological medicine as he works primarily with people suffering from chronic disease, and those interested in anti-aging and regeneration. At the core of his medical philosophy is the conviction that germs do not cause disease. Counter to conventional medicine and Big Pharma, which promote treatments that merely attack and kill germs, Harvey Bigelsen believes that germs are not harmful, and actually live in a symbiotic relationship with the entire body. He treats the patient’s physical body in order to get it working at its highest performance, and has achieved high success rates through a combination of structural therapies, cranial-sacral adjustments, neural therapy, isopathic remedies, and European cell therapy.





Earths Atmosphere - identical to spectrum of human brain waves

"Every human being traces from birth to death a double furrow of light and sounds. This constitutes his individual identity mark. The same applies to an event, to music, to movement. The antennas used in our laboratory enable us to tune in to these furrows of picture or sound".

Father Ernetti





Patterns in Nature - David Pratt




   Formative power of sound
   Planets and geometry
   Planetary distances
   Solar system harmonies
   Intelligent habits

Astrological Harmonic Patterns as Possible Indicators of Extraversion/Introversion

David Cochrane - Doctoral Student, University of Florida, Department of Educational Psychology

Gainesville, Florida

David Fink, Ed.D.- Professor, Johnson State College, Department of Behavioral Sciences

Johnson, Vermont


 Abstract – A strong relationship was found between the measurement of extraversion/introversion using the E-scale of the Eysenck Personality Inventory and a measure of expected tendencies towards extraversion or introversion based on 7-based harmonic patterns between Sun and Saturn. The relationship is especially strong when planetary measurements are in right ascension rather than zodiac longitude. This particular harmonic pattern was hypothesized to be important based on earlier anecdotal evidence. The value of exploratory research using visual tools in this area of research is discussed.  The potential social benefits of astrological research are also discussed, regardless of the outcome of the research and regardless of whether one is a believe or non-believer in astrology.

 Keywords:  Astrology –– Extraversion/Introversion –– Harmonic Astrology




How often have you heard people say they are ‘out of sorts’ ? How revealing it is to then learn that they were born on a day of peak solar activity and that we are going through a time of negligible activity? Just knowing that the Sun, the great giver of life is at a quite different stage in its cycle to the one they experienced at entry may be illuminating in the finest sense.


It is unfortunate that as yet we know so little about our special star, the Sun – a seemingly never-ending gigantic atomic explosion whose place in our universe we understand through the concept of the year but whose rhythms remain something of a mystery.  What we do know is that the Sun generates enough power in 1 second to meet the energy needs of the US for four million years. It  has a pulse that ‘pounds’ every 160 minutes, a cycle of sunspots and even periods when it is retrograde. We know too that the Sun is made up of seven  layers: a photosphere and chromosphere, convection and radiation zones and an interface between the two. It is likely that there are pulses within each.


Our Sun at first appears to be a chaotic structure. However, the more we probe, the more we discover it to have set rhythms. It has long been conjectured that the planets held by its gravitational pull might also have effect on its behaviour. The truth may be far more complex – and exciting. (Read Gregory Sams’ fascinating book ‘Sun of gOd’ for thoughts on our sun’s consciousness.)


Astro-economists look at all manner of cosmic cycles from the seasons through to sunspots, solar flares, solar magnetic storms and solar retrograde periods through which to make their forecasts. Helioseismology, the science of the Sun, is still in its infancy but there is no doubt that greater knowledge will bring mankind greater understanding of economic life-cycles.


Through understanding of the seasons, the planting and harvesting of crops, we accept that our financial worlds are very much affected by solar activity. The Sun even affects our high-tech age. At 07.04 EST on May 13th, 1921 a solar magnetic storm was the cause of signal and switching system failure on the New York Central Railroad below 125th street. The same storm affected telephone, telegraph and cable traffic across Europe. Can you imagine the economic effect of the widespread disruption of communications?


Similarly, a Coronal Mass Ejection on March 9, 1989 brought about a severe geomagnetic storm bringing short wave radio interference (prompting some military experts to think that the Soviets were attacking). This solar eruption affected Earth a few days later, at 2:44 am on March 13, 1989 when Hydro-Quebec’s power grid was adversely affected. This led to a nine hour shut down – once again with major economic consequences. In August of that same year, another storm produced a halt to trading on the Toronto stock market when their microchips were similarly affected.


The source of earthy communication malfunction can be traced directly auroras – which are themselves after-effects of intense solar activity. Though as yet we have no way of predicting these events, we must acknowledge their power to bring economic chaos.


Solar scientists are able to alert us to increase activity and to give some warning of the potential for electrical fault within the few days following a sudden outburst of activity, but they cannot, as yet, tell us where the effects will be most greatly felt. Their astro-economic counterparts continue to make notes and to build up a picture of the links between solar activity and our financial – and creative – worlds.


Thoedor Landscheit in his remarkable work ‘Sun, Earth, Man’ suggested that solar flares increased creativity. It may be that these play an important role in flashes of inspiration or even mystical activity. A client who suggests they had a ‘bright idea’ and for which no planetary activity gives plausible explanation, may have been affected by a recent solar flare burst. You can check this out through www.spaceweather.com.


This is understanding through hindsight. Forecasting is another matter altogether. The simple fact is that we do not yet know enough.


We do know a little which can be put to practical use. Heading this list of cycle understanding is an approximately 190 year cycle.


You probably know that the Sun is actually not the centre of our solar system. The Sun and its system rotate in counter-clockwise motion around a central point known as the Barycentre. On seven occasions in the last four thousand years the combined position of the great planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have created a pull that has resulted in the Sun rotating clockwise (retrograde) relative to the solar system Barycentre.


When Jupiter is at right angles to the Barycentre, as in 1632, between 1810 and 1812 and again through 1989 and 1990, we experienced a Sun retrograde period.


Meteorological studies show that the period post-solar-retrograde (lasting up to 30 years) brings disturbed weather patterns. These then result in shorter growing seasons and, inevitably, higher food costs.


As of 2010, we are still in one of these post-solar retrograde periods and evidence of disturbed weather patterns is all around. In the next decade it is probable that food prices will rise as a direct consequence of shortage of crops.


Understanding of this approximately 190 year cycle enabled astro-economists to suggest that from 1990 onward there might be mass migration of peoples across planet Earth as people sought better conditions under which they could sustain themselves. It was always likely that the period 1990-2020 would be a time of extraordinary social and subsequent political and economic upheaval.


A much shorter period is termed the ‘sunspot cycle’. Scientists track solar cycles by counting sunspots — cool planet-sized areas on the Sun where intense magnetic loops poke through the star’s visible surface.


Sunspots offer a fascinating field for economic study. In the 19th Century Professor Jevons studied tables for wheat, barley, oats, beans, peas and rye from 1259-1763 to show an 11.11 year sun spot cycle. (As interesting are the studies of Arthur Schuster who found that good wine years in Germany corresponded with years of minimum sun spots!).


Another study (Tchijevsky 1926) suggested that wars, revolutions and mass movements with their resulting political, social and economic consequences coincided with high levels of sun spot activity. Sunspots give off solar flares which in turn increase negative ionization on earth – which might explain increased excitability and activity during solar maxima. (Tchijevsky noted that particularly severe battles regularly followed a solar flare during the sunspot peak period of 1916-17.)


By contrast, David Williams’ studies in the 1950s showed that the US had been engaged in either war or experienced depression during alternate periods of low sunspot activity. These findings appear to contradict Tchijevsky. However, it might simply be that when sunspots are at either minima or maxima there is extreme behaviour on Earth.


The double cycle – approximately 22.2 years – covers the time when spots move downwards across the northern hemisphere of the sun, across its equator and then down toward the sun’s equivalent of the Tropic of Capricorn before starting off again in the Sun’s northern hemisphere.


Had the sunspot cycle been behaving ‘normally’, then a period of low sunspots would have been experienced in late 2007. During this particular cycle however there has been an exceptionally long solar minimum period. The ‘typical’ number of spotless (minima) days is 486 days. The minima period held for much longer than expected however and, since 2004, (and as of the time of writing) there have been 813 spotless days. 260 of these were in 2009 when we might have expected sunspot activity to be increasing. Spots are now occurring more frequently though it is hard to know exactly when maxima might now be reached.


Astro-economists have looked for correlation between the number of sunspots and stock market indices. The results are compelling. The next graph was prepared during the recent extended minima period and still shows an extended peak for 2014.


It is possible that this might not occur however.


The graph above was produced by Jan Alvestad who used data from the sunspot data index centre in Brussels. From this we see that the sun was still in a minima period in May 2009 and that the number is only now increasing (65 as of yesterday). The clear disturbance to the pattern makes forecast of the next maxima difficult to make. It is unlikely to be in 2011 as might have been expected but rather some years later. Indeed, it is possible that we are now witnessing disturbance not seen since earlier times of ‘solar discontent’ which have now been named the Dalton and Maunder minimums.


At the simplest of levels this suggests that there will continue to be serious disruption to weather patterns and, most likely, that growing periods will be substantially affected –leading to poor crops and food shortages: with considerable economic effect.


Put this together with the retrograde sun forecasts and it seems very likely indeed that the coming decade will be difficult and that food prices will soar.


As explained, it is not possible to forecast all solar activity. My clients do appreciate being reminded of its rhythms and of possible consequences in trading however. At a personal level, and of practical use is awareness of where we are in the sunspot cycle and whether sunspot numbers are close to those experienced at birth or are at a different stage in the cycle.


Recently I have been working with two elderly investors both of whom were born when sunspot activity was extremely low. In tracing their investment history we discovered that they had made their best decisions when the numbers were similarly low and their worst when the numbers were very high. Sunspot tables can be found in Neil Michelson’s excellent book, ‘Planetary Phenomena’ or through the nasa website.


Neil Michelson’s book also lists major magnetic storms. Allow a short orb for their influence. Another two investors were both born within 24hours of major storms – which seems to hint at their propensity to suddenly ‘seize on the moment’ and to take risks that others might consider foolhardy. Both are exceptionally good investors.


In preparing this article I discovered just how little I knew about our special star but that what I did understand compelled me to learn more about its activities. To me it is not enough to know where it was in zodiacal terms about its status: I have a thirst to know what kind of ‘mood’ it was and is in and how this correlates with economic activity. I suspect that this will be a never-ending quest.


Counting sunspots is not straightforward. Looking at the Sun through a pair of (properly filtered) low power binoculars – you might be able to see two or three large spots. Someone using a high-powered telescope might see 10 or 20. A powerful space-based observatory would see even more — say, 50 to 100. Which is the correct sunspot number?


There are two official sunspot numbers in common use. The first, the daily “Boulder Sunspot Number,” is computed by the NOAA Space Environment Center using a formula devised by Rudolph Wolf in 1848:


R=k (10g+s),


where R is the sunspot number; g is the number of sunspot groups on the solar disk; s is the total number of individual spots in all the groups; and k is a variable scaling factor (usually <1) that accounts for observing conditions and the type of telescope (binoculars, space telescopes, etc.). Scientists combine data from lots of observatories — each with its own k factor — to arrive at a daily value.


The Boulder number (reported daily on SpaceWeather.com) is usually about 25% higher than the second official index, the “International Sunspot Number,” published daily by the Solar Influences Data Center in Belgium. Both the Boulder and the International numbers are calculated from the same basic formula, but they incorporate data from different observatories.


As a rule of thumb, if you divide either of the official sunspot numbers by 15, you’ll get the approximate number of individual sunspots visible on the solar disk if you look at the Sun by projecting its image on a paper plate with a small telescope.


This list of websites is not comprehensive but offers a useful starting point




Charles Nenner cites sunspot activity as a specific key indicator for equity returns. Is there any reliable relationship between sunspot activity and stock market returns? Using monthly averages of daily sunspot counts from the Solar Influences Data Analysis Center and monthly closing levels of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) for September 1928 through September 2011 (997 months) and the S&P 500 Index for January 1950 through September 2011 (741 months), we find that:

As background, the referenced presentation summarizes Charles Nenner’s approach to predicting the behavior of financial markets, as follows:

·         Charles Nenner is “a natural pattern recognizer.”


Stars are Beautiful Because ....

From The Little Prince

"The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen."



Some selections from The Little Prince - the Real Messages of the Story:

"If some one loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself, 'Somewhere, my flower is there...' But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars will be darkened... And you think that is not important!"

It is such a secret place, the land of tears.

"I ought not to have listened to her," he confided to me one day. "One never ought to listen to the flowers. One should simply look at them and breathe their fragrance. Mine perfumed all my planet. But I did not know how to take pleasure in all her grace." ..."The fact is that I did not know how to understand anything! I ought to have judged by deeds and not by words. She cast her fragrance and her radiance over me. I ought never to have run away from her... I ought to have guessed all the affection that lay behind her poor little stratagems. Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her..."

"Well, I must endure the presence of two or three caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies. It seems that they are very beautiful. And if not the butterflies-- and the caterpillars-- who will call upon me? You will be far away... as for the large animals-- I am not at all afraid of any of them. I have my claws." And, naïvely, she showed her four thorns.

"My flower is ephemeral," the little prince said to himself, "and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left her on my planet, all alone!"

"I should like to see a sunset... do me that kindness... Order the sun to set..." ... "You shall have your sunset. I shall command it {said the king}. But, according to my science of government, I shall wait until conditions are favorable." "When will that be?" inquired the little prince. "Hum! Hum!" replied the king; and before saying anything else he consulted a bulky almanac. "Hum! Hum! That will be about-- about-- that will be this evening about twenty minutes to eight. And you will see how well I am obeyed."

"Do you really admire me very much?" the conceited man demanded of the little prince. "What does that mean-- 'admire'?" "To admire mean that you regard me as the handsomest, the best-dressed, the richest, and the most intelligent man on this planet." "But you are the only man on your planet!" "Do me this kindness. Admire me just the same."

"Where are the men?" the little prince at last took up the conversation again. "It is a little lonely in the desert..." "It is also lonely among men," the snake said.

"Where are the men?" the little prince asked, politely. The flower had once seen a caravan passing. "Men?" she echoed. "I think there are six or seven of them in existence. I saw them, several years ago. But one never knows where to find them. The wind blows them away. They have no roots, and that makes their life very difficult."

"Come and play with me," proposed the little prince. "I am so unhappy." "I cannot play with you," the fox said. "I am not tamed." ...What does that mean-- 'tame'?" "It is an act too often neglected," said the fox. It means to establish ties." "'To establish ties'?" "Just that," said the fox. "To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world..." "I am beginning to understand," said the little prince. "There is a flower... I think that she has tamed me..."

"Goodbye," said the fox. "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." "Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose..."

One runs the risk of weeping a little, if one lets himself be tamed...

"The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen."

This was a merchant who sold pills that had been invented to quench thirst. You need only swallow one pill a week, and you would feel no need of anything to drink. "Why are you selling those?" asked the little prince. "Because they save a tremendous amount of time," said the merchant. "Computations have been made by experts. With these pills, you save fifty-three minutes in every week." "And what do I do with those fifty-three minutes?" "Anything you like..." "As for me," said the little prince to himself, "if I had fifty-three minutes to spend as I liked, I should walk at my leisure toward a spring of fresh water."

"All men have the stars," he answered, "but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. For others, who are scholars, they are problems. For my businessman they were wealth. But all these stars are silent. You-- you alone-- will have the stars as no one else has them--"

"In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night . . . You--only you--will have stars that can laugh!"

And he laughed again.

"And when your sorrow is comforted (time soothes all sorrows) you will be content that you have known me. You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me. And you will sometimes open your window, so, for that pleasure . . . And your friends will be properly astonished to see you laughing as you look up at the sky! Then you will say to them, 'Yes, the stars always make me laugh!'








Another "proof" for Astrology? Data scientists find connections between birth month and health




Can Astrology Be a Science? A.P. Velayudhan

Sheila Ostrander and Lyn Schroeder, in their book Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain revealing the ongo- ing research on astrology in Soviet Russia, says: The parapsychologists in Russia believe that “a human being is a pulsating field dynamically interacting with all other fields like a note reasoning with all the other notes swirling in symphony”.


Edward Naumov also of Soviet Russia observes that “the solar activity at the time of birth also affects an indi- vidual. A good receiver (listener) is born when the Sun is qui- et and a good sender (Adviser) is born when the Sun is ac- tive”.


Dr Chijevsky has found the “correlation between the cy- cles of Sunspot activities and epidemics on earth including the invasion of locusts and rodents and perhaps even in migration of people.”


Sir William Hershel the discoverer the planet Uranus, in his paper presented to Royal Society of London brought to the attention of the elites, “the apparent rela- tionship that he found between the sunspot activity and the price of wheat during the period 1650 t0 1800. Based on his discovery he correctly predicted the period of abundant crops.”


R C Carrington (1863) published a paper disputing this claim. However, the later figures proved him wrong.


William Stanley Jerons, a noted English economist claimed to have found “a correlation between 11.11 year sunspot cycle and the fluctuation in the price of grains during the period 1259 and 1713”.


Dr Carl G Jung an eminent psychologist of Switzerland has this to say: “Astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.”


Carl Jung and Dr Freud jointly discovered that “the dispositions of the moon and mercury indicate the predis- position to mental illness”.


Dr Francois Gaquelin, initially a non-believer found “correlation between the position of Jupiter, mars and Sat-urn in certain professional types like doctors, lawyers, painters, etc.”


More importantly, he also found that “the hour a baby is born will also indicate its future health because of the secretion of the hormones.”


Dr. Abbott of USA after studying sunspots for over 11 years, “successfully predicted the oncoming drought in 1975.”


Nicolas Schulz, a Soviet scientist, was able to show that “human blood undergoes significant changes in propor- tion to the intensity of cosmic radiation.”


Samples taken from 1200 people showed that “the sun’s behaviour was responsible for the increase or decrease of the whit corpuscles.”


Dr Garcia Mata and Shaffner advances the theories:


1. “Mass psychology is influenced by waves of optimism or pessimism caused by the variation in the amount of ultra- violet rays emitted by the sun.”


2. “Changes in solar activity cause changes in electro- magnetic field of humans.”


Prof Dosseur of the University of Frankfurt discovered that “our emotions were materially affected by the nature of electrical charge of the air particles surrounding us creating fluctuating moods.”


Dr Albert Krueger of the University of California says that “five molecules of hydrogen –oxy- tryptomia level in hu- man brain give response to atmospheric air ions. The effect of positive ions markedly increases aggressive character while the negative ions facilitate learning and reduce anxiety.”


M.J.H.Nelson an eminent scientist showed that “there is a close connection between the ionosphere disturbances over the north Atlantic and the planetary configuration which in our language is called aspects.”


Mr Tyrell writing in the Nature of Human Personality says that “not only astrology but the occult generally, is an obscure pointer to an aspect of the Universe above and be- yond the spatio-temporal casual framework and the world of sense-perception on which science has hitherto relied in its attempts to describe the objective universe.”


Dr.Leonard J Ravitz, an eminent neurologist, says that “the inmates of his mental hospital had to be kept under close surveillance during some of the phases the moon.”


He further says that “phases of the moon, sun’s position, cosmic and gamma rays, sunspot radiation and other distur- bances on the earth’s magnetic field have an impact on the force field or the astral bodies around our body.”


Dr Robert Becker in concurrence says that “such force field of the human body also affects the nervous system.”


Mr Arnold Meyer of the British Association of Advanced Science observes that “the sun and the moon in conjunction are both concentrating their focus on the same part of the world at the same time; this accounts for the abnormal conditions - This conjunction does definitely affect a child born during the conditions of this nature.”


Edison Y Andrews an American Surgeon in ‘The journal of Florida Medical Association’, writing on post-operative hemorrhage observes that “his patients are in greater dan- ger during full moon. This forced him to perform surgeries, as far as possible, when the moon is in the first or the last quar- ter.”


Prof. Techijesvsky of Moscow found the following which are not only scientifically exact but also astrolog- ically as well:


1. “The epidemic of influenza has an average period of 11 years and 3 months and it begins roughly 3 years after sunspot maximum.”


2. “Sunspots cycle is close to 12 months which is also the duration of Jupiter’s travel around the sun. The sunspots are perhaps related to Jupiter’s revolution.”


3. “There is a correlation between the sunspots phenomenon and wars and revolutions.”


4. “The time is fast approaching when a jury assessing the guilt of an accused will have to take into account the astro- nomical and meteorological conditions which prevailed when the crime was committed.” (In a lighter vein).


Dr Jonas agreeing with the old belief that


1. “The fertility period of women is something to do with the waxing and waning of the moon and that it is possible to find out the days a woman can conceive during her entire life time.”


2. “This can be effectively controlled via astrology which will be without any side effects like nausea, headache or weight gain. This will be a boon to Roman Catholics, who are op- posed to other methods.”


Dr Jonas in order to satiate his hunger for new discov-eries went on to prove that “retarded children were invari- ably produced when a women conceives during certain oppo- sition of the sun and the moon or major planets in her chart.”


Dr Maki Takata, a Japanese scientist, discovered that “the composition of human blood changes during eclipses. This is based on the result of his experiment showing that during the total solar eclipse, as the moon began to cover the sun the flocculation index started to decline reaching its low- est point when the eclipse completed.”


Dr P. P. Bhagwat in an article in Astrological Magazine gives elaborate details on the effect of sunspots.


1. There are changes in terrestrial magnetic activity. 2. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun varies with the


3. Magnetic storms disturb shortwave radio communication.

4. Long distance telegrams, electric lines, gas and oil pipes, submarine cables are all disturbed.

5. The years when the sunspots are more frequent shows drier weather and less rain fall.

6. The years when the sunspots are less the weather is more watery and stormy.

7. Temperatures are lower in sunspots maximum years.

8. Temperatures are higher in sunspots minimum years.

9. There are fluctuation, in share markets and world trade in these years.

10. The Sunspots have observable effect on the mind of the general public.



Dr B Ramamurthy, a noted neurosurgeon, has this to say: “There is truth in the opinion held in this country that there is correlation between epilepsy and the waxing and waning of the moon.


Experiments by meteorologists and neuroscientists acting in concert in India and Australia have shown that there is a definite link between geomagnetic disturbances and epilep- sy.”


Mr V.S. Kalyanaraman, another prominent author in astrological Magazine “lists over 13 historical events occur- ring from 1951 to 1978 coinciding with the intensity of sunspots.”


Prof. P S Sastry a noted researcher and a commentator in his lectures at the Rajasthan University says that.


Varaha Mehira enumerates 33 sunspots called by him as ’Tāmasa kilakas’ which have different colours, forms and positions. He not only mentions the details of sunspots but also of their terrestrial affairs way back in 1 BC.”


Dr M Venkatacharya, who has done some research on hyper tension and heart diseases says in Astrological Magazine says: “I once again forcibly state that a doctor can be a better astrologer than a layman who studied some principles of astrology.”


K K Shah, an eminent scholar, citing the fact that “when the moon can affect the waters of the seas, it is bound to affect the human body also to the extent there is water. The calculation of protons and electrons, the reaction of min- erals carried by energy and radiated by human body is noth- ing else but the science of astrology.”


The foregoing clearly demonstrates, in most unequiv- ocal terms, the scope and the ambit of astrology to be- come not only a science but also a pioneer in research field of medicine and market analysis as well.


This also poses an embarrassing if not intriguing question for astrologers - Why didn’t they take advantage of this huge treasure of scientific wealth?


Mr M S Sitharamiah, writing in Astrological Magazine, as far back as June 1974 asks:


“Should we not, therefore, launch our own research pro- gramme in astrology?


Who is better fitted to undertake this than those in India where the ancient and the modern rub shoulders?”


Mr V. Shekhawat, in the same magazine, reasons that “the weakness of astrology drives not from the fact that its assumptions are false or that it is logically fallacious but simply from the fact that not enough attention has been paid to it academically.”





"Platonic synthetic geometry is a medium of metaphor — a medium akin to, and inseparable from the well-tempered system of musical composition"





The Yo Ki
The following is from an ancient Chinese manuscript called the Yo Ki. It explains what the ancient Chinese philosophers believed would happen to society if any of the five notes of the pentatonic scale, the basis of most Chinese music, were disturbed:






Recommended Reading for members of our Sound of Stars groups - New edition of Di Martinos wonderful book ; "Music and Numbers ; Through the Looking Glass" ; http://homepage.ntlworld.com/lggl007/

"All Aristoteleans are liars. In fact they must lie. For Aristoteleans believe that their minds are empty vessels, indifferent to what is put in them. They project this view of themselves onto the Universe, which, they insist, must conform to their degraded view of man: an empty box devoid of principles, and subject to no cognizable lawfulness." (#52)


Rutherford, the British physicist who discovered the nucleus of the atom, had shown in 1919 that you can bombard elements with alpha particles and transmute them. The accepted wisdom of today is exactly the same, except that the physicists have used heavier and heavier "bullets" in their artillery approach. No one has tried a controlled approach, for the catechism is that you have to use the wham it harder! approach.

In other words, to most scientists the whole thing had to be preposterous, and Kervran had to be deluded.

Kervran published further details of his work in a book, Transmutations Biologiques, Maloine, Paris 1962. But the initial reaction of most scientists was..."

How do we link the three modes of the cosmos being the deterministic, the indeterminate and the chaotic with the modes and subsequently to their expression as human personality? Let us progress from the obvious to the less so. Looking at the transitional mode of mutable, we can find an immediate affinity with dynamical chaos. Chaos has both a deterministic and a random expression in greater or lesser proportion of each when looked at in its self-affine detail. This has been explored in the relativistic, the quantum and the chaotic manifestations of the cosmos. Mutable signs can adapt most easily to the surrounding inputs of the cosmos. They are sensitive to small changes and reflect these in their expression. The fixed mode approaches the opposite extreme in being rigid and deterministic. This leaves the cardinal, which can exhibit signs of indeterminacy. This fact is reflected in the seasons due to the lag time factor, which tells us why the seasons never rigidly follow the times that they start, by solar ingress. The seasons typically lag behind the moment of solar ingress, sometimes by several weeks. The hottest month is not June/July, but July/August, the fixed fire month. Similarly, the coldest month lags after the ingress of the sun into Capricorn. Thus the cardinal months can be described as uncertain in their expression. The three modes of modern cosmology are reflected in ancient cosmology in astrology.


A cardinal personality as described above is one that is indeterminate, linking it with the quantum expression of nature. The quantum is expressed in discreet steps in a discontinuous fashion. As such there appears to be no continuous link between one state and the next, particularly in the area of expression. This is sometimes manifested as a kind of randomness, but within strict bounds. A cardinal personality can be seen as a conservative type as opposed to a dissipative type. Both Cancer and Capricorn are conservative in their expression, one knowing the value of family and the other the value of practicality, delegation and command. Here the expression of matter/energy transforms within strict and discreet interchanges in conservative modes is paramount. The expression tends toward the Hamiltonian expression. It is the ultimate in expression of the conservation of energy and matter.

The mutable type is the most complex in adaptability to surrounding conditions. They can demonstrate states approaching total randomness and the opposite state approaching continuity. This adaptability is conditioned by the changing influence of the interpenetrating influences of the cosmos and others around them. At times they appear rigid and others they can't be pinned down on anything, such as in the case of Gemini. In the Sagittarius expression, this manifests as the desire and move to the greatest freedom and the rigidity in this quest. Freedom requires an abundance of energy that can only arise in a state where there is an environmental differential allowing for complex dissipation from the region of high energy to a region of lower energy. Otherwise, the only energy expression is the non-dissipative random ones. Mutability allows for complex transformations from one state to another and for an arrow of time.


The fixed mode of expression is continuity in its pure form. Here coolness and logic are the acme of expression, such as seen in the scientific approach of Aquarius. In the emotional intensity of Scorpio, we can see the rigidity and continuity of emotional flow, whether it is the expression of sexual power or emotional outpourings. With Taurus, we see the rigidity of position and stubbornness. The fixed expresses the laws as given in the context of cosmology which are immutable and set the stage for cycles of all kinds. It is the relationships between parts that function in a regular way that allow for determination and predictability.

The modes of astrology are therefore closely linked with the thoughts of contemporary cosmology, showing the continuity between the ancient and the modern. The modes are connected with the elements so that every combination possible is manifested and shown in the following list.

This runs the gamut of all mixed types of expression from the solidly determinism of Taurus to the indeterminate randomness of Libra and the most chaotic expressed by Sagittarius.

But how does one resolve the apparent contradictions in some of the foregoing? Some connections are obvious and others are not readily apparent. But the understanding of a dialectical cosmos allows us to begin. Knowledge of the intricacies of complex dynamical systems will help to further us toward understanding. It is hard for instance as to how chaos can be lumped with practical and restraining action such as described for Virgo. However, a little description of turbulence is appropriate. Remember, chaos theory describes all types of phenomena between the continuous and the discrete, the determinate and indeterminate. As surrounding influences change in a dynamic system, it can change from a periodic or continuous state to one of total turbulence and randomness. Studies in non linear dynamics such as Verhulst Robert May and Feigenbaum dynamics show that within the chaos are points where quasiperiodicity self organize out of the chaotic conditions at certain crucial junctures. This is like eddies that establish a relatively steady state in a rapidly flowing river. Here the river is moving fast enough to break up the surface tension into chaotic and unpredictable patterns, but not so fast as to be totally random. Patterns of stability arise within the turbulence that will remain for as long as the surrounding conditions do not change beyond the limits within which these phenomena exist. A type of self contained Hamiltonian system within the eddies is maintained despite the surrounding turbulence. The eddies do not dissipate, but remain fixed to their location due to surrounding influences that help to preserve them. Thus there is a restraining, non-dissipative structure embedded within the turbulent and chaotic dynamical system. We can thus say the Virgo types are a more or less steady state dynamic within a turbulent matrix.

Looking at Capricorn, which is described as cardinal earth, indeterminate, practical and restraining, one runs into more apparent difficulties. But here once more, enlisting the help of chaotic dynamics, the situation is clarified. Capricorn is seen as the acme of practicality and restraint, the hallmarks of those who aspire to affluence and influence in the world of goal setting and power. Saturn rules it as defined in traditional astrological lore. Yet there is a quality of indeterminacy or discreteness. Goals are seen as separate and discrete quantities toward which one must aspire. The present position and the goal appear as two separate things, almost like the 'n' (2 or more) cycle dynamics of non-linear dynamics when quasiperiodic phenomena are being expressed. This state exists between pure determinism and randomness and manifests as discreteness, but events that have an established horizon of predictability within the confines of the limit cycles. This discreteness is also the rationalization of hierarchy where there is arbitrary division between the powerful and the powerless. It is an all or nothing mind set. Often goals are achieved by the application of restraint elsewhere as in
wealth is obtained through the monetary restraint of all others. Here one side feeds off the other in a combined dissipative and anti-entropic dynamic. In astrological language, we thus see that the action of the pure Capricorn is to acquire practical goals and power, but because of the influence of its ruler Saturn, the outcome can end in several very predictable ways. But which way a Capricorn will end is dependent on many sensitive factors input by the rest of the horoscope. If Saturn is strong and well placed, the Capricorn native will likely achieve their goals, especially during positive transits. On the other hand, a weak Saturn can usually frustrate the native. Saturn being a malefic is usually weak, so only the occasional pure Capricorn will achieve outstanding success. But, we must keep in mind that there are very few pure Capricorns.

Aquarius, the other rulership of Saturn is much more easily defined. It is fixed air, determinate and of the mental and communicative mind set. Pure Aquarius types are the scientist and objective souls of the cosmos. Once an idea has been rigorously proved in their own minds, they become rigid in their worldview. Everything seems predictable if one knows all the conditions. Although there is an element of truth in this, the cosmos is so complex that one would need infinite knowledge to know the absolute outcome of anything. Nevertheless, once they become clarified in their worldview, they seek to express this to the rest of the world against the limitations imposed by differences in the cosmic constitutions of all other astrological types. Thus their real audience is small and often there is dispute from others by seemingly rigorous proofs on the opposite side. In the Many Histories Interpretation, all truths are present. No one can know the truth of another unless they are that person, or God, who is the whole of absolute total of manifestation and non-manifestation; seen and unseen, past, present and future which is another way of saying all of nature.

Moving on to Scorpio, we find that it is fixed water, determinate and intuitive/emotional. Scorpio is the polar axis sign to Taurus and thus has the stubbornness of Taurus. However this stubbornness is Martian and expresses itself through rigid and tenacious emotionalism. On the positive side, the intuitive character is hard to excel. There is little that can't be seen or felt at the gut level for the pure Scorpio type. Curiously, this seems to come out of nowhere for those who are not of a deterministic nature. But they see others through their own limits. Scorpio feels the emotional flow and as a consequence, has a distant horizon of predictability in their expression. The limit cycle of Scorpio is small and expression is usually of a very few fixed type.

Pisces is mutable water and associated with the characteristics of the chaotic and intuitive/emotional. Being the last sign of the tropical zodiac, it represents dissolution and dissipation into total randomness. In a word, it is entropy. Pisces being water is also intuition and emotion and thus represents a state in the pure form of emotional haphazardness. The intuitive side seems to tap into the turbulence of feelings swirling around it, so the intuition also appears to the random side of chaos. But this is not so much randomness within the native as the surrounding environment to which the native is sensitively responding. It is almost as if the pure Pisces type has no other identity than the flux of the surrounding environment. Indeed, this is where the empathy comes from that is characteristic of these natives.

The other signs are more self explanatory, but nevertheless, we shall delve into these in the context of contemporary chaos theory.

Aries is cardinal fire and as such is best described as indeterminate and energetic/assertive in terms of contemporary ideas. Of all the elements, fire is the most elusive, energetic and relates to the fifth state of matter known as plasma. Plasma is highly sensitive to surrounding influences of any size. Thus the state at any time of this fire sign is indeterminate, having a low horizon of predictability. One could say, where the spirit wills at any moment, is where Aries will go. Aries is fiercely independent and assertive, like its descriptive element, fire. Given enough freedom, anything is possible. Fire is the product of systems undergoing maximum entropy. Mars, being the ruler of Aries suggests a kind of scorched earth policy for the pure type. In the end, the order of the world is changed from the complex to the simple by reduction through entropy. It can be correctly stated that no new creation can occur without purging the world of the old and worn. The function of Aries is thus to purify by fire. That selfsame fire can be contained or rage uncontrollably, depending on the surrounding conditions in the environment which includes the planetary influences.

Taurus is by far the most rigid sign with a maximized horizon of predictability. Of Taurus, it can be stated that the native is ol' reliable. But ol' reliable can have a stubborn streak despite the charm that is used as a corollary of this trait. The charm of Taurus is best exemplified by the fact that the ancient science of pre Egyptian civilizations as well as the Egyptian which emphasized stability and massive structures that we strain to mimic poorly even today. The massive and solid building is typified in the Giza Pyramid, which models the Earth and
solar system in a curios self-similar manner. Taurus is concerned with the practical in all its ramifications including long-range vision that is bent to serving practical ends. The ancient science was obsessed with long-range predictability and it is to them that we owe much for the foundation of our present understanding. The restraint of Taurus is a product of its tenaciousness and stubbornness; the refusal to change even in the face of overwhelming odds. It is like the rock in the midst of a swirling and turbulent river that sets one of the conditions for stable eddies downstream.

Gemini is often criticized for its seeming schizophrenic attitude to ideas. However, since these natives are mutable air, they typify dynamical systems that are chaotic in the mental/communicative expression. It is said of them, that they can describe both sides of the question in detail, but seem to lack the ability to synthesize them or at least choose one side over the other. It is they see all the trees in their detail, but fail to recognize the forest as a whole. Gemini's can be best compared to 2 or more cycle phenomena in recursion dynamics. In this state, 2 or more very well defined states can coexist simultaneously without apparent connections except through time. Indeed, Geminis can change their opinion over time to one of the complete opposite view and still maintain their balance despite what others would see as glaring contradictions. Geminis contain within themselves, the closest representation of the Many Histories Interpretation within a single individual, but not in simultaneity except for a fragmented and confusing view to others. With Mercury as their ruling planet, such changes in view are understandable. In strength, it is possible with these natives to hold 2 or more simultaneous views without becoming confused. If Mercury is weak, they will tend to flip between 2 or more ideas and identities through time.

Cancer according to its descriptive characterization is like the very element it is associated with; water. This cardinal sign is the acme of the indeterminate, the random. This sensitizes Cancer to subtle and surrounding influences making the intuitive state very keen. Cancer natives are also emotionally sensitive and pick up on the emotions of others around them. Cancers should be around positive and happy individuals, but this is not always possible, especially in a world or society in turmoil. The state of Cancer fluctuates, like the ruling Moon, between all possibilities emotionally. The emotions that flood in through the intuition contribute to the indeterminacy and hence the low horizon of predictability. Cancers may not be anywhere as far seeing or tenacious as Taurus, but they respond to the environment instantaneously, seeming to jump from one state to another without being in between. In this ability to adapt instantly, they leave ol' reliable in the intuitive dust. The storm that would ruin Taurus will leave Cancer feeling within their element.

The energy of Leo is like a nuclear melt down. It is long lasting and reliable. It just will not go away in a hurry, so fasten your seat belts! This comes from the rigidity of its mode that contributes to the determinate and energetic/assertive dynamic of Leo's expression. Leo is like the fire of the Sun, its ruler. The sun, within its function, is predictable for the middle term. What we mean by that is that we can rely on the sun for its seasonal appearances and the 11.2-yearcycle, but the latter can change and disappear altogether of many decades only to reappear. The horizon of predictability of Leo is to the middle of extremes between absolute determinism and total randomness. But on the whole, the sun maintains a constant of energy by a narrow margin of limits. Thus within this spectrum, there is determinism and reliability. During long lasting cycles, Leos can be either hot or not as hot.

Sagittarius on the other hand is mutable, changing fire that is best described as chaotic, energetic and assertive. What can be said of Sagittarius is that the energy dynamic fluctuates and sometimes rapidly. This fluctuation has a variable horizon of predictability, somewhat like fire tornadoes that accompany firestorms. We know that if there is a firestorm, there is a high degree of possibility of one or more fire vortexes or tornadoes manifesting. On the other hand, it there is no firestorm; the probability of a fire vortex is remote. This is how the dynamic of the Sagittarius native fluctuates between a high horizon of predictability and a very limited horizon of predictability. Very much depends upon the nature of the environment. Once again turbulence plays a part, but in a different fashion than the type described for Virgo. The turbulence is much less stable, rendering Sagittarius natives more volatile in their mutability. The energy of the native is entirely dependent upon surrounding conditions and astrological "environmental differentials". Thus the energy and assertiveness of Sagittarians is volatile, being dynamic one moment and absent the next. Sagittarians operate in fits and starts as a consequence. With a strong ruling Jupiter, this tendency experiences a smoothing characteristic. But a weak Jupiter tends to send the Sagittarius native into the human equivalent of fractal Brownian motion.

No person is an absolute pure type of zodiacal expression but contains elements from all regions of the cosmos. When a planet is in a particular region of the sky, it emphasizes and focuses the energies of that region and influences all in the surrounding environment. It is also true that planets will positively, negatively or neutrally impact all the other planets and condition their influences upon humanity. It is how planets can be enhanced in strength or be dissipated to non effect by the angular relationships they form with each other with the Sun or Earth as the focus of the radius vectors between planets. These details are examined elsewhere in the text and the reader is encouraged to read the appropriate sections dealing with individual planets.

Source : http://syzygyastro.hubpages.com/hub/Dynamical-Astrology

Astrology, A Place in Chaos

Astrology has been open to criticism through a large part of its long history. In this groundbreaking book Bernadette Brady gives new insights in the intensity of these criticisms by placing astrology into its initial setting, its original world of ancient creation myths linked to the great creative void. Modern chaos theory has now rediscovered this void and Brady maps astrology to chaos theory to produce "chaotic astrology". The result is an insight into fate, freewill and the nature of astrology itself implying that it is neither a science nor a religion, and suggests instead that astrology is an instrument of chaos, a fertile and pragmatic tool for understanding the patterns of life. Original and insightful as ever, Brady navigates the reader through a breath-taking journey which can change forever the way one views the world.

·         The Astounding Truth of Self Organization out of Randomness
Investigations into an entirely different field than cosmology have revealed an incredible truth. This field is one that lies on the boarder between abstract art and clinical psychology. It straddles the objective and subjective sides of the mind,

The Astounding Truth of Self Organization out of Randomness

Updated on June 1, 2012

Things can be seen in random patterns and some have been given names

What do you see in this pattern. For the sake of the text, this is the tiger blot.

What do you see in this pattern. For the sake of the text, this is the tiger blot.

This is the same pattern turned upside down and it can reveal other things from the unconscious to the same person. In the text, this is the wolf blot.

This is the same pattern turned upside down and it can reveal other things from the unconscious to the same person. In the text, this is the wolf blot.

This is the horse head nebula, so-called by astronomers even today. Others may see different things, but to call it the horse head nebula prejudices the case. Ir is really a large cloud of interstellar dust in a random arrangement.

This is the horse head nebula, so-called by astronomers even today. Others may see different things, but to call it the horse head nebula prejudices the case. Ir is really a large cloud of interstellar dust in a random arrangement.

Source: Astronomy Picture of the Day

This Hubble telescope image of part of the horse head nebula gives us an entirely different view, showing that this is in reality, a potential star forming region. What do you see in this "blot?"

This Hubble telescope image of part of the horse head nebula gives us an entirely different view, showing that this is in reality, a potential star forming region. What do you see in this "blot?"

Source: http://www.fabuloussavers.com/wallpapers/62_HorseH...

Recognizable Patterns Emerge Seemingly on their Own

Investigations into an entirely different field than cosmology have revealed an incredible truth. This field is one that lies on the boarder between abstract art and clinical psychology. It straddles the objective and subjective sides of the mind, the conscious and unconscious, rational and irrational. A fellow by the name of Rorschach found that simple random inkblots are a conscious gateway into unconscious perceptions. This insight proved such a powerful tool, that it has become secreted from the public domain, locked away in the ivory towers of academia. But, what he found, and others before him, can be rediscovered by anyone else who cares to make the effort and investigation. Indeed, his findings are by no means new at all. Humanity has used this and variants from before the dawn of recorded history. Such things were used in divining and portents.

It is astounding what differentiated two-dimensional randomly applied media can end up triggering in apparent representation. The randomly applied medium, such as what Jackson Pollack might do, is then subject to a force, which Mr. Pollack failed to pursue. The random sprinkles of ink are put under pressure and spread out wherever they can find escape. The result in every individual case is a unique pattern that is loaded with meaning to each individual who observes it. To the individual viewer, it is as if the random patterns self organize into recognizable entities of one type or another. What can be seen in each random spread, self-organizing out of chaos, is unique to whoever views it. Sometimes, unmistakable patterns emerge that many can see as one specific subject. Take the pattern shown here, generated from random ink sprinkles subjected to dynamic pressure. Without prejudicing your mind, you may see something entirely different that what is described. In one orientation, the unmistakable face of a tiger is clear. The very same pattern, turned upside down reveals an Arctic timber wolf. Keep in mind that these were not deliberately painted, but arose from the chaos of spreading ink under randomly applied pressure.

Others will see other things in parts of the pattern. Other random spreads will trigger a host of responses. Some will be fruitful, revealing much, others but little. The richness of the minds content and imagining also varies the outcome. No two patterns are identical; the field is rich with possibility. Further, people will see different things in each and every pattern, but more importantly many will see common subjects. The inkblot test is a variation on seeing patterns in clouds or using naturally occurring shapes as part of a work of sculpture, such as in cave paintings. Sometimes in the half-light of dawn or dusk, objects take on a different meaning when they trigger an image response from the unconscious. It is this that can trigger haunting in some cases. In the dark, light from unusual directions can turn inanimate objects into perceived threats. A pile of laundry in a corner can suddenly appear to be an intruder. A bush my look like a threatening animal of some kind, made all the more real if the wind is stirring it about. These perceived images could be very frightening to the beholder. The imaginative ability to perceive things in random patterns extends to groups of stars identified as constellations. Stars can seem like points in a connect the dots type patterning that reveals "spirits," meanings and portents. This is one of the basic essences of astrology. Used to its full, it is also one of the more powerful aspects of the art. In the dry regions of South America, where a decade can pass without a drop of rain, skies are unusually clear. Natives have a clear view of the galactic disk. Therein the see the dark clouds that make up potential star forming regions. To the natives, these same shapes take on significant meanings, and make up a significant part of their astrological belief and prophetic system. Each dark cloud region in the galaxy reminds them of one kind of animal, or another. These represent collectively, the closest parallel to the inkblot test. If at some time, you get an unparalleled clear view of the Milky Way, see what you can find in the dark patches embedded in that river of light. You will have your own intimate cosmogony. Astronomers have already done it with things like the horse head nebula shown in the photo gallery.

All over the world, shamans engage men and women in the vision quest or the rite of passage by a variety of means, often using trance-inducing techniques via natural potent drugs, chanting, fasting, sleep deprivation, sun dancing or other painful and trying circumstances. This is designed to strengthen the neophytes into full-fledged adulthood and the responsibilities of each individual in the tribe within the context of a potentially hostile world. One can thus postulate that the agony on the cross endured by those who were crucified, led to great enlightening visions. Among those were the likes of Jesus and Sparticus, both hung for sedition against the Roman empire. Shaman or warrior, the individual must be tried and made worthy of the calling. People must learn what perceptions are capable of doing. Inducing hallucination is important in these ceremonies. Unscrupulous shamans used naturally occurring tetrodotoxin to induce a state zombiism in the folks they wanted to involuntarily control. Those who are unaware of the hidden dangers of perception can be literally driven mad under the right combination of circumstances. The US military and once Soviet Union were, and are actively engaged in pursuing means to use this fact against unwary populations in the theater of war. To this end, the US is currently engaged in research into electronic mind manipulation and crowd control through the use of H.A.A.R.P. (High-frequency Active Aurora Resonance Program). In the past, drugs like LSD were experimented with. Target populations were used as unaware guinea pigs in experiments with LSD, radioactive injections, remote electronic manipulation and even the use of biological agents. Experiments went so far as to completely erase memories and personalities through shock treatment, massive drugging and other things, and then rebuilding artificial memories and personalities in their place. Such is the malleability of the mind. We encounter this to a lesser degree everyday in argument and discussion. The tendency also surface in popular movements like the Nazi movement in Whermacht Germany of the 1930's and 1940's.

The use of the inkblot can tell us much about suggestibility. The random distribution of ink can end up self-organizing into patterns that trigger responses of identity in people who see all manner of things as directed by the unconscious. It almost seems that this self-organization is not an accident in its uncanny ability to generate response. In the 4D cosmos, randomness also plays an important part in self-organizing of complex systems from stellar systems to complex life. Turbulent cosmic forces seeking balance between regions of difference drive this randomness. Werner Heisenberg once stated, "God plays dice." Einstein disagreed emphatically. "God" may indeed play the craps table, but the dice are loaded, so the outcome is predictable insofar as randomness will always elicit some kind of response! It seems there is a little truth both ways.

What occurs in two dimensions has a counterpart in the cosmic self-organization into complex forms within itself due to turbulence and due to the unequal distribution of energy-matter. In the dynamic cosmos, the gravity, light, electromagnetism and matter forces shape the process of self-organization. These are the counterparts of the pressure applied to ink drops on two-dimensional surfaces.

Since we live entirely in the cosmos and the cosmos is in us in an intimate symbiosis, we see things in turbulent patterns. It is not surprising that random patterns would induce such a response. What can be surprising and profound in meaning is that randomness, even in such a simple case, self organizes in a way to trigger such a response in us. Little wonder some folks would like to keep this simple, but powerful tool hidden. After all, knowledge is power, and the Yaqui shaman told Mr. Casteneda that "seeing", as he called it, was the way to power. In astrology, seeing the spirits in the stars was a way of power over the annual circuit of the sun and the monthly one of the moon. These portents had direct bearing on the timing of practical events in life, such as agriculture and fishing, giving humanity power over nature. A definite correlation was and is seen between star patterns, the transit of the sun, moon and planets, particularly Venus, through time, and particular natural events. In fact, it is these things that lead directly to the concept of time and timing until humanity developed the calendar and clock that allowed a "break from nature."

In a related area, is the objective versus the subjective; the so-called concrete reality versus our emotional response based on our perceptions. Scientists pride themselves on proof through objective facts. They refute and otherwise refuse to support the subjective claims about angels, God, and UFOs. But the observer/observed duality of the cosmos collapses at the quantum point where the very method of observation alters the observed in unpredictable ways. The act of observation changes the observed owing to sensitive dependence and what we see is not what we get, for the observed has since become something else. What we measure is the change of state, a derivative somewhere between two other states, the initial and final, of which we really know nothing. We are forced to map a probability distribution of possibilities and states. The two are one in a complex dance from moment to moment of the creation - destruction - creation cycle. So-called subjective feelings like ESP are instinctive reactions to events born at the observer - observed coupling at the quantum level. There is really no separation between objectivity and subjectivity. To suggest that the two can be separated, is akin to separating running software from the computer in order to see how software functions on its own without a computer! Objectivity and subjectivity are aspects of the same unity, like heads and tails on a single coin.

Objective proof is often limited by scalar bounds at upper and lower limits. In fact, beyond the limits, scientists themselves engage in a guessing game called the stochastic process. Subjective feelings allow us to grope into unknown territory beyond the objective limits. Insights to new understandings are founded not so often on rigorous or even statistical proofs but often by something akin to ESP or dreaming revelations, though prior proofs may fuel the insight that cannot be found through mechanically solving complex systems. Indeed, almost all complex equations are ultimately unsolvable for reasons discussed in other pages.

The unconscious and intuitive are intimately linked. These work within the context of our individual subjective view of the cosmos. There is little wonder then that what we see in things is colored by that subjectivity. We wonder what the mall centered person would see in star patterns without the conditioning of established prior myths. Some proof of this does exist where constellational star patterns in the southern hemisphere have been given such identities as the sextant, the telescope and artists easel. If someone who has no background in constellational myth were to look for patterns in the stars, what would they see? Would we find that a car or plane might show up? Maybe they would find a coffee perk or a washing machine. Some might find a dog or cat or even a MacDonald's Big Mac or the big yellow logo or a Pepsi bottle. Further proof of such responses come from nebulae, such as ones called the skull nebula and the Spirograph nebula. On close look, one does have the appearance of a skull. One thing stands out clearly in all of this, and this is the idea of the archetype, a great or essential prototype, as described by C. J. Jung in his writings. Much of what we are and experience has a relationship to some archetypal pattern or idea or other. It should be clear by now, just how much our subjectivity colors the personal worldview. If not, keep looking and be objective in your analysis. Experimentation is always encouraged!

SOURCE : http://syzygyastro.hubpages.com/hub/The-Astounding-Truth-of-Self-Organization-out-of-Randomness



"A giant, vast, synthetic cube had been carved out of space itself and within it was a vast void dark space, containing only a very small number of stars and within this apparent prison was deposited our own solar system, sun and earth"


Weirdly, on the other side of the cubic walls of this prison, space took on a very very different characteristic and that was this....

Stars, (outside of our prison), are so densely packed and so close together that the there is no night sky or darkness really, anywhere - at least for an incredibly vast expanse

If you lived on a planet in this region and looked up at the 'night' sky all you'd see would be blinding light, everywhere.... for seemingly forever.... ( is this where the legends of 'Heaven' come from ? )

Funny, that - eh ? It almost smacks of the C.S. Lewis science fiction novels such as ;




Indicative of the cognitive deficiency of the Baby Boomers and subsequent generations, is the proliferation of "How To" books, under the appellation, "`X' for Dummies." Such tomes originated, as did many of the more destructive trends in the late 20th Century, in the computer-based nformation/entertainment business. Desiring ever-increasing values in stock prices, the high priests of information ensnared a growing number of lost souls, by explaining the purported intricate workings of computer programs, using baby talk and pictures, so that "Dummies" could understand them. This appeal to ignorance spread like fungus in August, as growing numbers of willing fools, eagerly identified themselves as "Dummies." A recent survey of Amazon.com turned up 714 such books, ranging from computer subjects such as "Windows '98 for Dummies" and "Internet for Dummies," to "Investing for Dummies", "Buying a Car for Dummies," "Classical Music for Dummies," "Parenting for Dummies," "Gourmet Cooking for Dummies," "Dating for Dummies," "Sex for Dummies," "Fundraising for Dummies," and "Leadership for Dummies, abridged version." (No joke. Check it out for yourself!) Soon, under pressure from HMOs, medical schools will soon adopt this training method. Instead of educating highly skilled physicians, "health care providers" will be tutored in such subjects as "Brain Surgery Made Simple" and, "Cardiology in Three Easy Steps."

Of course, there is nothing new here. 500 years ago Paolo Sarpi and his protege Galileo, pushed a similar scam, against the Renaissance, with a, "Science for Dummies" series, which taught that the universe could be made simple, if the human mind were removed. Since then, Sarpi's minions, from Newton, to Euler, to Kronecker, to von Neumann, have induced countless numbers of otherwise intelligent individuals, to turn from the truthful, but challenging, science of Plato, Cusa, Kepler, Fermat, Leibniz, Kaestenr, Gauss, and Riemann, to a simplified world without Mind "The Universe for Dummies."

Now, given that the future of civilization depends on diminishing the attractiveness of being a dummy, we will introduce, from time to time over the coming period, a series of pedagogical discussions, on the above-titled subject, "Riemann for Anti-Dummies."


“…the truth is, that it is precisely because of the fact that most of those people whom we consider our political and intellectual leadership in the world today, have not worked through problems like this, that we are in the crisis we are in today. We have reached the end of a system, where all the currently accepted rules of economics, social relations, science, and mathematics no longer apply. And only if there is a movement in the world today, centered around rediscovering the method by which discoveries are made (not just consuming their by-products), will we be able to seek out the new ideas that are required to get us out of this mess.”

Warning: Social Climbing May Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health

”Berkeley College Democrat Nasir Khan was one of those we met on campus, who rejected the challenge to grasp higher concepts. Nonetheless, though clearly exuding pride in ignorance, his published comments give an idea of the kind of debate we have provoked on college campuses. In an article in the University of California at Berkeley College Democrats magazine, the Smartass, Khan writes about LaRouche:


“It’s very hard to glean quite what he stands for, since his followers are quite preoccupied with explaining to bystanders what it means to be ’sublime’ and the ‘universal principles of geometry.’ Don’t believe me? Well, as I decided to find out more about the man one day in an effort to educate myself about a group that claims to share the same party allegiance as myself, I was shocked by some of the things his recruiters told me. First of all, they wanted me to explain to them the significance of the Pythagorean theorem, and mathematically prove it as being true. I could not, and did not quite understand how it related to politics. . . .”

Perhaps this can help to answer the question on so many people’s minds: Why can’t Democrats seem to muster the intellectual wherewithal to stop a bunch of chickenhawks from starting world war? —Sky Shields…”

“..But, you can’t expect people to work through everything like this! It would take much too long!” might be the typical argument from one of today’s “new math” professors, or perhaps from a social climbing, young, aspiring political party hack (“This won’t help me get a high paying job! I just want to make friends and influence people.”)

But the truth is, that it is precisely because of the fact that most of those people whom we consider our political and intellectual leadership in the world today, have not worked through problems like this, that we are in the crisis we are in today. We have reached the end of a system, where all the currently accepted rules of economics, social relations, science, and mathematics no longer apply. And only if there is a movement in the world today, centered around rediscovering the method by which discoveries are made (not just consuming their by-products), will we be able to seek out the new ideas that are required to get us out of this mess. …”


GANN TRADERS & Astrology


Bizarre things going on with the Sun and the properties of light in space ( And Our Double Sun? ).

Tom Brown (of Borderland Sciences in California) says he talked on the phone to one astronaut who said they could not take pictures of the Sun or stars UNLESS the camera was inside the ship (where there is air). On hearing this, Tom called NASA and asked the Public Information Officer if the Sun could be seen from space. The PIO said of course.

At that point Tom explained about the story he was working on
and that he had talked to an astronaut who confirmed the
premise of no visible light from space. The PIO got very upset
on the phone and said that information was not supposed to be
given to the public.

John Keely says that the Sun and stars are
invisible when viewed from space. Light only manifests when in
the presence of a gas which serves as a percussive medium for
the Aether to allow the generation of light through
interference; thereby slowing the Aether to lower frequencies.

Rudolph Steiner also says that the Sun and stars are invisible
from space.

We here at Vangard Sciences work from the premise that Aether
is the PRIME CONTINUUM or the fundamentally highest possible
frequency of this universe.
In its division, it produces
magnetism, electricity, light, heat, sound, vibration and mass.
What if the 2nd sun was a doorway to a dimension of energy
which breaks through to sustain this section of space?

Taken from KeelyNet BBS Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
April 20, 1991 TWOSUN.ASC
Taken from Flying Saucers magazine - February 1965
Courtesy of Ron Barker Co-Sysop of KeelyNet

Do We Have A Double Sun? by Henry Rasmusen

We definitely DO have TWO SUNS, according to M. F. Malin, of Salt
Lake City, who has spent much of his spare time for over forty years
in pursuit of such a theory.

The possibility of the existence of a double sun in our solar system
began for Malin in 1917, when he overhead a conversation between two
men, evidently scientists, on a train in New Jersey.

The subject of their conversation was the failure of the law of
gravitation with respect to the relations of Earth and Sun - their
conclusion being that the basis of velocities of bodies in space
must be otherwise than that laid down in Newton's PRINCIPIA. Malin
was studying sculpture at the time, at the National Academy of
Design in New York.

This failure of the gravitational law was shocking to him, for even
he knew that Newton's mathematical demonstrations in this connection
had formed the groundwork of the whole of modern mechanics,
engineering and physics.

How could the law have failed, when the results of this work were
already interwoven throughout the whole structure of science in all
its branches? The modern researches of Einstein and others were
always said to have enhanced the value of the PRINCIPIA.

The matter attracted the young sculptor so greatly that from that
time he began to divide his attention about equally between
sculpture and astrophysical study, often working far into the night
in efforts to improve his meager knowledge of mathematics, and
spending his available time poring over astronomical and
astrophysical works in the libraries.

Quite early in these studies, he found that although Newton had
proven his law very successfully in connection with the Earth-Moon
system, he had been forced to abandon his efforts to apply it to the
relations of Earth and Sun because the sun's distance and dimensions
were not known with any degree of accuracy in his time.

A couple of centuries later (after 1894), when the sun's distance
and size had been agreed upon and established internationally, the
apparent discrepancies in the gravitational relations of Earth and
Sun had become painfully evident.

Using the sun as a CENTER OF ATTRACTION, with the Earth-Moon system
as a unit of measurement, the proper elements of the earth's orbit
were readily calculable - but everywhere seemed to be awry.

The earth's distance, period and velocity were hopelessly at
variance with each other according to the gravitation law, but the
distance and period had been established by observation and could
not be adjusted. Also, the sun's size in connection with these
elements presented an awkward problem.

After many a headache over the situation, the calculators of the day
had given up, and had conceded that the basis of velocities in
Nature must be other than in Newton's work and had offered the poor
parody of gravitational relations on the part of Sun and Earth which
is current in the astronomy books of today.

This was even more intriguing than ever, because it was perfectly
clear that this basis of velocities - that is, the amount of
material in the body divided by the square of the distance of the
attracted particle - literally IS THE LAW OF GRAVITATION, and that
upon this point the Newtonian law as a whole must stand or fall.

Here was something which could not be thrust aside by denials or
contradictions; it was something no mathematician could deny. What
could be wrong? And why had the failure seemed to apply ONLY to the
relations of Earth and Sun?

Malin made some simple calculations which showed that


even if its average density were the same as that of the earth.

And if its density were only about one-fourth as great as that of
the Earth - as the astronomer USUALLY RECKONS - the discrepancy
would be all the more hopeless.

How could a discordancy of such proportions ever have been glossed
over for the public in the astronomy books? People in general, even
among the scientists, seemed entirely unaware that the sun-centered
theory and the law of gravitation WERE IRRECONCILABLE.

No doubt some of the mathematicians knew but could not face the
issue, not knowing anything that could be done about it. And WHERE

There seemed to be only one possible place in the system. For a
body larger than the sun in volume, or the equivalent with unequal
densities -


incredible as this might seem at first glance.

And if there were a relationship between mass and brightness among
stars, perhaps THE GREATER STAR WOULD BE BRIGHTER AND HOTTER THAN THE SUN, and there should be some physical signs of its presence.

If such a body existed, the planetary system would revolve around a

It was not very difficult to calculate the proper radius of Earth's
orbit by Newton's methods, and this turned out to be 101,300,000
miles - placing the possible center of gravity of the system about
4,800,000 miles BEYOND THE SUN.

Later, Malin wrote an imaginative account of the physical
appearances which might be expected if there were a brighter and
hotter star operating at comparatively close range BEHIND THE SUN,
and made drawings to illustrate the writing.

Of course, he already supposed that the solar corona and the
zodiacal lights were involved. He went deeper into the findings of
observation in the reality and compared the real phenomena with his
drawings, searching the periodicals and books for new observations,
new findings, new information.

As the years passed, it became more and more clear that the
imaginative phenomena were all present in the planetary system but
formed a bewildering chain of scientific mysteries on the strictly
sun-centered plan of Copernicus.

The scientific situation could all be summed up in the words of the
eminent astronomer Simon Newcomb,

"The amazing fact that observation has opened up mainly
mysteries in the sun; that as a result the world is
farther than ever from a satisfactory solution to solar

In 1931 a booklet, SOLAR ARRANGEMENT, was distributed to the worlds
major observatories. It contained drawings which portrayed the
Zodiacal body with its light and heat AS A SEPARATE ENTITY BEHIND

THE SUN from the earth, with all the sun's major "mysteries" DRAWN

Up to that time, Dr. Fath's spectrum of the zodiacal light had been
accepted as a matter of course - indicating that the light consisted

The light had long been so much a mystery that very little had ever
been written about it in the astronomy books. Within a year,
several new spectra appeared from various scientific sources, all of
them showing the zodiacal light TO HAVE AN EMISSION SPECTRUM OF ITS
OWN, APART FROM THOSE OF THE SUN, the corona and the aurora.

(Vangard note...a critical point in this paper, the fact that
there were DIFFERENT EMISSION SPECTRA from readings taken from
the rim and those taken from the interior surface of the disk)

Malin's drawings and text represented the solar corona as being
intensely hot in the space AROUND THE EDGE OF THE SUN'S VISIBLE DISK
- being the gaseous product of TERRIFIC RADIATION poured out upon
the sun's body at comparatively close range FROM A PLACE BEHIND IT.

In the years that have followed, the sun, with a measured facial
temperature of about 6,000 degrees Centigrade, has been found to be

Incidentally, this leaves the scientists to suppose that they are
looking through a million degrees of termperature IN FRONT OF THE
SUN when measuring 6,000 degrees Centigrade ON THE SOLAR SURFACE, if
they adhere to the SUN-CENTERED IDEA.

It may be added, that in their researches of today the physicists
USUALLY DISTINGUISH between the zodiacal light area of the SOLAR
CORONA (light and radiation radiating from the circumference of the
disk) and the SOLAR AREA (across the diameter of the disk). Why
would they have to distinguish between the two readings if it is A

Some college professors have found the yearly period on the part of
the binary to be impossible, but this is because they have started
out by ASSUMING THE SUN TO BE SELF-SUFFICIENT with every other body

As matters stand, the astronomers and physicists have only to
acknowledge that the conditions on and in front of the visible solar
disk ARE ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from those found in the violent upheaval
and gaseous turmoil AROUND ITS "EDGES," and then THE REST WILL
FOLLOW as a matter of course, and soon the strictly sun-centered
theory will be as obsolete as the epicycles of the earth-centered

Then our solar system will be acknowledged to have a double sun,


Recent anomalous observations of perhaps the most fundamental dynamical parameter of Earth -- its own rotation -- seem to support this growing perception that "something" indeed is rapidly changing in the solar system ...

For some inexplicable reason, there has been an accelerating slow-down of the Earth’s spin
(click below image) on its own axis over the last twenty years -- as measured against electronic transitions of the "Cesium Atomic Clock," maintained at the National Bureau of Standards, in Boulder, Colorado.

Theoretically stable to "plus or minus one second in a million years ..." the official atomic clocks have literally had to be adjusted by over 20 seconds in these preceding two decades -- a stunning change by astronomical standards, and striking confirmation of some kind of major, "progressive phase-shift" now occurring, between the rotation of our planet and the atomic-level "constants" that govern the quantum standards of the Clock. This need to, with increasing frequency (now, approximately every six months) update a full second differential between "dynamical time" and "time at the atomic level," is profound confirmation of some kind of fundamental coupling between the angular momentum of our own planet, and the larger changes occurring in the hyperspatial physics of the solar system ... as outlined in the basic HD Model.


This includes the possibility that these changing "hyperspatial stresses," due to the progressive orbital movement of our as-yet-undiscovered "outer planets" (in the Model) are simply causing increasing "Maxwellian scalar potential changes" all across the solar system at the atomic level -- changing (via the "Aharonov-Bohm Effect") all resultant quantum-level "constants" governing the clocks by small (but laboratory-measurable) amounts.

If this is true, it could thus be the Clocks themselves that are also internally changing ... simultaneous with the predicted,
accelerating slow-down in the basic rotation of the Earth!

Additional evidence that "something major" is occurring in the solar system, is the recent announcement (by three major "world-class" laboratories) of startling changes in another fundamental physical parameter -- the Gravitational Constant
(click below image); according to an article published in "Science News" in 1995, not only has this centuries-old "constant" been found to differ now from all previous "textbook" values ... each of the three laboratories reported different changes ... the largest amounting to a whopping (by measurement standards) 0.06%!



Completely inexplicable by any mainstream theories, such changes are intrinsically expected (ala Whittaker’s derivation of "electrogravitic" linkages between gravity and light) in the true Maxwellian analysis of "varying scalar potentials" of the vacuum. Again: changes modulated by the changing phase relationships between our proposed "undiscovered outer planets" in the "total solar system angular momentum equation."

There is insufficient room to develop here (let alone to document) all the additional implications stemming from this Model (that will be done elsewhere). Suffice it to say, this is intrinsically a changing physics, affecting every known system of astronomical, physical, chemical and biological interaction differently over time -- because it affects the underlying, dynamical hyperspace foundation of "physical reality" itself ... starting with this solar system; that is implicit in the Model.

And now, according to all accumulating evidence and this centuries-old physics ... we are simply entering once again (after "only" 13,000 years ...) a phase of this recurring, grand solar system cycle "of renewed hyperdimensional restructuring of that reality ..."





It is for these basic reasons that
NASA must now openly -- and rapidly -- carry out these recommended new observations of the solar system, including additional, detailed measurements of "TMR-1C" ... and then immediately tell us the results.

Time is getting short.











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