

·         What are those Blue Sparks you see when listening to the frequencies?  

·         What are those little blue flecks/sparkles?

·         Where do you start?

·         How do I choose the one which is best for me?

·         Can I loop them, if so which ones would you loop, and...which ones if any shouldn't be looped?

·         So you recommend all frequencies played together?

·         Can or do I just download to my computer and play from the computer? I  have a MAC.

·         Why do you charge for the Full Versions?

·         Are these like Bi-Naural beats?

·         Will these frequencies work for every one?

·         I am very sensitive and am considered an “intuitive / empath / telepath”, how will these frequencies affect me?

·         What sounds are they ?

·         Why do you think the sounds envoke such response?

·         Have you been able to determine what it is and how it effects the brain/body/mind?   

·         Are these tones of musical instruments or synthesized sounds?   

·        Why are some Frequencies Fast and others Slow?  Why are some high pitched and others are Low Pitched? 

·         When I play some frequencies they stop after 7.5 minutes and plays the rest of the
file in silence, is something missing?

·         Have tried almost all of your frequencies. I listen to them with headphones, while working out or commuting to work, and before sleeping at least once a day.  I have them set up to play on my ipod one after the other. maybe I doing them wrong. should I listen to them on my stereo?

·         Which star sounds recording would be the most appropriate? Are your recordings available on a physical audio CD? I prefer to listen via a cd player than the computer. .thank you

·         For HEALING PANIC AND FEAR AND AGORAPHOBIA? which star sounds recording would be the most appropriate? Are your recordings available on a physical audio CD? I prefer to listen via a cd player than the computer. .thank you


ARTICLES Included below after Q & A;


·         Critical Analysis by one of our U-Lab members - FEEDBACK ON EVIDENCE OF EFFECTS  



·         What are those Blue Sparks you see when listening to the frequencies?

·         What are those little blue flecks/sparkles are that I asked about ?????



The reason I've been slow to explain this particular phenomenon associated with my because I don’t really know how to....  I know what they are, mostly, but don't know how to explain them very well.  Further, I'd have to explain them as being different things because they sort of are, but in actuality they are really only one thing....... that appears as many things.....Those sparks are moments of wakefulness of your real life, self and other and unity beyond this reality, they are tiny pin pricks in the matrix of this illusory life where light comes streaming through from the other side, where there is no illusion....  If I figure out a better way to describe this I will in the future..

Consider this, you know when you get smacked in the head and you see "stars"?  And notice how these sparks you are seeing seem similiar to those stars but they are different?  Well the stars you see when you get smacked can be described in different ways, a physiological explanation could be used... I suspect esoterically one might say that those stars are what occurs when there is a particular momentary interrupt between the body and the mind..... Chinese medicine says one can see stars if there are liver problems and one stands up to fast, bad circulation etc....,  however our sparks are very different.

Note, they are brighter in colour, seem far more animated, are somewhat directed in motion and not as random as the stars one sees when smacked... they can also be bigger and have other curious characteristics.... there can be a sense of familiarity and intelligence to them... So here the sparks may represent momentary connects between mundane reality and supra-normal reality...... among other things.....Here is something to try the next time you see them when listening to the frequencies.... I know this sounds silly.... but try and communicate, even if briefly to them.... see what happens, and also when you see them imagine you are going inside them.... see how that feels.....



·        Where do you start? How do I choose the one which is best for me? Can I loop them, if so which ones would you loop, and...which ones if any shouldn't be looped? a.s.o.



Each of these frequency files can be played in sequence or on their own.  The user will note which ones they 'feel' like they need more of.  Often for any one session, a user will report greatest effects by playing and looping between one to four frequency tracks together for repeat playback.



·        Do you recommend all frequencies played together?


Its a big file list.  Approximately 210 minutes in total. But initially, yes.  Let all the frequencies run in the background one after the other. What most users I suspect will encounter their first pass through is a marked body-mind response to a handful of the frequencies on the list.  They will "resonate" to those ones.  There may be a few that will feel "off" or slightly agitating, some files may be more agitating than others (Two thirds of all users will tend to not experience any of this however and will tend to find all the frequencies very harmonious).  I suggest that users go through the list in the sequence shown on the web page and get a feel for which ones the body-mind is craving.  Noting this handful of files, then these are the ones to be looped in sequence together or individually as needed.  Sometimes the body-mind will change what it wants on a given day, so that what a user desired the day before will be found to be suddenly different on a future date.  This is ok.  Some of frequencies, however will  tend to be a favourite among most users most of the time, but don’t overuse or rely only on these, no matter how good it may feel to play and loop it over and over again.  See the documentation regarding “overcharging” for more information on this. 

Some of you may find some really interesting effects occurring here, such as a marked floating sensation, intensification of the vibrancy of perceived colors, greater feelings of depth and texture to emotional states..... etc....



·         Can or do I just download to my computer and play from the computer? I have a MAC. Thanks.



The MP3 files do work and play on the Mac platform.  Unless there are any tech problems you have on your system you should be able to purchase, download and play them like everyone else.... on your computer



·         Why do you charge for the Full Versions?



The items I am providing for free (THE FREE DEMOS, NOT THE FULL VERSIONS) I feel are quite substantial, I honestly encourage you to review the results from other people using the demo versions in relation to what may be gained for your own use. Note, the all proceeds of the sale of Full version frequencies go completely to research funding, and to keep me fed, clothed and sheltered, it is the only source currently that supports the work. That is not an exaggeration. Our experimental group of 600 literally supports through donation and their purchase of full versions all current R & D efforts.


·         Are these like Bi-Naural beats?



The tools I have developed are nothing like bi-naural beats. They literally use a very special
hyper-dimensional geometric mapping of states in the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind.

You certainly won't experience the range or intensity of the phenomena associated with my frequencies with bi-naural beats.



·         Will these frequencies work for every one?



Not all frequencies work for all people. In my experience there are also some people who don't seem to get much out of them at all except perhaps a mild "feel good" buzz.  Some people dislike the frequencies, even when they try a few very different types.  This technology, at least at its current stage, does not seem to be for everyone.  Having access to the free demos however, allows you to do your own experimentation and discover for yourself what seems to work best for you.



·         I am very sensitive and am considered an “intuitive / empath / telepath”, how will these frequencies affect me?



About half of our intuitives are especially sensitive to certain frequencies and they need a very different set to gain full benefit. This is normal from our experience. Some frequencies will have an agitative effect on you, but with some this is only an attenuation period which subsides after 5 to 10 minutes and then a remarkable switch to euphoria occurs. With other frequencies after 5 to 10 minutes this attenuation period will not occur and if the agitative experience persists then you should discontinue use of that one and try something else.

I am very confident, that certain of my frequencies will resonate amazingly and well for you. Access any of our numerous free demos, your bound to find some you will love and that will really blow your mind.

QUESTIONS  (of Various Related Subjects)

·         What sounds are they ?

·         Why do you think the sounds evoke such response?
Have you been able to determine what it is and how it effects the brain/body/mind?   

·         Are these tones of musical instruments or synthesized sounds?   
What sort of changes occur?   Are changes lasting, temporary, permanent?



It is speculated that the frequencies and tonal sets within the files represent the associative state in consciousness, the mind, emotions and body when the sensations, process and events of a desired experience are occurring. Further, that by listening to these frequencies that a unique and novel entrainment may be set up where in the body-mind is stimulated into the desired state or remembers a time in the future where this is potentially happening.  The self then begins to safely become entrained into that state where positive changes may occur. The sounds you hear are translations of what I assert are the mathematical geometries of ACTUAL states of consciousness converted into sound, or at least a significant part of these states. Regarding how long changes will last or when they will occur, this is unknown. What we do know currently is that many, many users report VERY often that intense and dramatic changes are felt and experienced and that these effects can last literally from a few hours to days even up to 6 months. It is not known currently why the duration of effects seem to vary from user to user and or from frequency to frequency.

It should be understood, that all of this current work on frequencies constitutes a new emerging technology.  It is experimental.  It is NOT approved by the FDA and it is NOT offered as a medical treatment.  I make no direct claims about concrete improvements to your medical well being or health.  What I can do is tell you my story, share the results of my seven years of research with you, point you towards the hundreds of claims made by people who have been using numerous different types of frequencies I have designed.

You can read for yourself their stories of dramatic, phenomenal, tangible mental, emotional and physical increases in well being.  This is not an exaggeration, there stories ARE quite amazing.  We are not talking about playing some light and fluffy New Age Healing CD, where you close your eyes and hope you maybe feel a little bit better somehow, or where you wear headphones and hope like heck that some subliminal tape or bi-naural beat CD will give you an edge and maybe you’ll notice that edge enough, every once in a while to get the feeling like something is happening, sort of.

No, what we are talking about here, appears to typically deliver frequent, very noticeable, very real, very MANIFEST changes.  Changes that can be so startling and substantial, that the effects often border on the positively shocking.  This is what our users typically report, and on a regular basis.


What are some effects I may notice when playing the frequencies?



Different frequencies are designed to induce different kinds of effects, and often these effects can vary slightly and even dramatically across different types of people.  However, there are frequent, similar general effects reported by most users.


In most cases, most users will DEFINITELY feel them at work… creating curious buzzing and humming and most pleasurable and beneficial sensations throughout their body-mind, and noticeably so.  I continue to receive private emails from users, who are reporting marvelous effects such as experiencing long term chronic aches and pains suddenly vanishing, as in really, actually, vanishing.  Note however, that its also common for some users to try different frequencies and not experience much of anything.  Often however when they try a different one, that apparently they needed, then they notice it really kick in.  Further, other factors are important to notice the effects, one of which is volume setting. Chances are that if the volume setting is turned down too low, and or if exposure duration is too short, the users may feel frustrated if “nothing” seems to be happening.  You must keep in mind that these frequencies work by ENTRAINMENT. You can’t get entrainment effects properly at all if you don’t use the principles required to ENTRAIN something.  In our case, volume = amplitude, or power, or force.  Exposure time and or duration represents the literal TIME required for the frequency to achieve what it needs to.  If you don’t supply the needed energy level and time you aren’t likely to get entrainment and you aren’t likely to get the effects you are hoping for.  Typically I find that volume of playback should be loud enough so that you can actually feel slight vibration in your tissue, in your body.  A duration or exposure time would typically be between fourty five minutes to three hours on a given day.  You can get fuller descriptions of each frequency from both the catalog and from reports from our users on our online forum.



·         Why are some Frequencies Fast and others Slow?  Why are some high pitched and others are Low Pitched?



Each frequency IS a geometric representation and as such it has its own rotational skew...spinning and moving on its axial sets from different perspectives and at different rates, this does of course imply that various rates are possible for many frequencies. But not all rates are optimal for all people. This is one of the areas I’m learning about myself when I design these things.... you should hear the tons of frequencies I NEVER release to the public... I have more weirdness in my junk basket than you can imagine.... what I find amazing is that I can work on one frequency for days and days and find out that there is only ONE axial orientation, and ONE rate that produces a notable effect and will do so in a way that is pleasing.... while other frequencies I can rotate them all kinds of different ways and the outcomes are similar, AND I can render various versions of the same frequencies and get a basic overall effect but with a multiplicity of different additional characteristics. Bizarre......

UPDATE on this – July 01-08

Have been working on some new methods to create greater ranges of low vs high pitch options.  Many of the current popular frequencies that are high pitched and are craved by many for their high pitches were not rendered into a low pitch alternative version.  Those who desired the low pitched versions were disappointed to not have access to the function inherent in these tracks.  By the end of the summer of 2008, I hope to have many of the current high pitch only frequency versions also available in low pitch versions.  See the recent post at the end of June 2008 in our newsgroup forum for more info on this.



·         When I play some frequencies they stop after 7.5 minutes and plays the rest of the
file in silence, is something missing?


No, nothing missing, its one of the pre-set gap versions. These ones are documented earlier in our user archive.
You'll find, located in our member archive a special 'gap' file, contributed generously by J.S. Sangsta, its actually a silencer file, I think of about 5 minutes. It just plays well, nothing.

Its purpose was meant to be used as a spacer for those doing long loop sequences, the idea being that with the occasional interval of silence built into the loop we'd have a convenient way to valve overcharging, its either that or go 3 hours straight constant and then break for a few hours, with the silencers, theoretically you should be able to loop all day long but span it with the gap files. Some of the newer frequencies have a pre-built in gap in them, to allow the body to absorb and digest the charge before it continues. Try it, I think you'll see what I mean, if you loop only that file to play for a few hours, then pick another single frequency and loop it with no silencers and play it straight.... you may noticed that your peak time lasts longer..... not always, but often.



·         Have have tried almost all of your frequencies. I listen to them with headphones, while working out or commuting to work, and before sleeping at least once a day.  I have them set up to play on my ipod one after the other. maybe I doing them wrong. should I listen to them on my stereo?


It sounds like you have been using the 'passive' mode not the 'active' mode, this is documented and has been detailed over the last year on our group. For most people the dramatic results occur mainly via 'active' mode and not via headphones....... also, what you want to try is loop only a SMALL number of frequencies, even just ONE frequency which you play over and over again, you loop it fo 45 minutes to 3 hours....
The frequency works via ENTRAINMENT, if you just play a bunch of them in sequence via headphones, then, well, for most people this would have far less results.....



(NOTE - QUESTIONS and ANSWERS, Follow below points ( 1 ) through ( 5 ) below


1.) The frequencies, despite the positive phenomenal feedback issued by hundreds of users since last April, ARE still of an experimental nature, and they don’t always work exactly the same way for all people. In order to actually experience the very solid, concrete and dramatically positive phenomena associated with these frequencies, they have to be used the right way. Instructions for proper use can be found on the website, the frequencies are entrainment patterning tools and when used in a manner that allows for the pattern to properly associate to the current bio-state and imprint then the effects can be absolutely marvelous.


2.)   Some frequencies have special tonal sets that have higher or lower pitches. Some folks love and respond to the higher pitches and a smaller amount prefer the lower ones. This can also change as your biology charges daily. On some days you'll find you love a frequency that typically you don’t appreciate. This is normal from what we are seeing.


3.)   There are various modes of use, documented on your website and related resources, entailing headphones, full audio play via stereo speaker, ultrasonic emission through devices like the Thinkman, Rife frequency generator emission, electrodes, and electro-mechanical vibrational devices. We suggest something called 'passive' and 'active' modes of playback. For conditions that are more acute, most of our users and myself find the active mode most effective. These modes are documented on our yahoo newsgroup. You can search our archive for any key words you'd like at

Take advantage of this search tool to get more insight on the reports of other users with various frequencies and to find out more in depth details on usage parameters.


4.)   Users report in many cases when using frequencies that they reach a zenith point, a sort of euphoria, often similar to a kind of joggers high, psychedelic bliss point. This appears to be indicating a full charged state. Its important to not overcharge because then this seems to be able to in some cases turn into a sudden fatigue state and produce lower back pains which may last as much as a day or two. We are not sure yet, but we think that over saturation may over stimulate adrenals for energy production and may even stress Kidneys, a Traditional Chinese Medical specialist would say that the Natal Chi or vital energy is stored in the kidneys and so the kidneys may also be getting over stimulated with too much energy coming in. Common sense should rule in the application of these tools. Consider that taking in too much of any kind of energy can cause discomfort. If you sit down at a meal and eat far too much you'll get a stomach ache, its not the fault of the food or the chef, its just that you tried to take in too much. So here with the frequencies follow the same principle. Again you can find out more about this on the website. Further, I don’t recommend these frequencies to people who suffer from epilepsy, seizures or migraines, mainly because we just don’t know how these frequencies will affect them. Some frequencies have a curious acoustic stroboscopic effect to them and it is known that stroboscopic light patterns can trigger epileptic seizures. So until we have studied more in this are it is not recommended to folks who have those conditions.

5.)   It seems very clear from all of our experiences that overcharging can be avoided by simply paying attention to when you start feeling that euphoric high. When you start to realize that you are feeling incredibly “good”, start feeling giddy, bouncy, physically energized and reaching a very noticeable peak, then at that point don’t try to keep pushing it.  Turn off the frequencies or turn them way down because you have now likely reached proper charging and you are now ‘full’.  Coast though it naturally and the effect may last for hours, days, even months. (Depending on the frequency used and your body type and body response, etc.)  This way you achieve and maintain the optimal benefit and avoid overcharging….. you get to have your cake and eat it too.  Since some of the frequencies may actually be stimulating the adrenals and kidneys, I cant recommend their general use for folks who have debilitated adrenals or kidneys. I have not yet made a frequency to directly specifically support adrenals and or kidneys. I feel this is likely possible and I suspect some of our current existing frequencies may actually help with these concerns but since overcharging may put stress on these organs it is EXTREMELY important to proceed very cautiously, slowly and mildly if the frequencies were to be used in such a situation.

For example, if some one has weak or debilitated kidneys, then I would suggest (non-medically speaking) trying the frequencies at much lower than normal volume for much less duration. Increasing these ONLY very slowly over time and be careful to watch and be mindful of the experiential results and sensations of the person who is absorbing them.




·         For HEALING PANIC AND FEAR AND AGORAPHOBIA which star sounds recording would be the most appropriate? Are your recordings available on a physical audio CD? I prefer to listen via a cd player than the computer. .thank you



The catalog;    found off our main site of

Lists files such as;




I suspect one or combos of these may help.  I have not yet developed a specific frequency for "AGORAPHOBIA" ?  But its a good idea.... I will contemplate this.  When I feel panicky, I also use the Ibogaine, Lithium, Hyperspace Evolver Frequencies..... as well as the Sangsta Special..... you can read up on the effects other users talk about in relation to these ones on our yahoo group... do a key word search in our groups message archive and you will see what I mean.  The Sangsta Special seems to do a good job at offsetting the muscular tension caused by worry, stress, anxiety, etc... and the Ibogaine and Lithium help me get my mind back from overdrive and start feeling good, relaxed and calm again. You asked if these sounds are available on CD.  I'm guessing you mean, "do I burn and ship CD's to people?". At this point in time I am not doing that, I'm only providing them as downloads.  You are welcome however to download them to your computer and burn, create your own audio or data cds from them (as long as you don't redistribute them as they are copyright.  You can download the free demos or if you want the full versions these are sent to you via a download link when you purchase them.  I get asked about CDs a fair bit and realize there is a demand for them, the trouble is I'm a scientific researcher not a corporation, nor a publishing company and not a marketing or even 'customer service type' guy.  I've had my head buried in theoretical and applied science work for the last 7 years and I've only recently had to start wearing these hats of biz and such to support my on going research. At some point hopefully sooner rather than later, there will be CDs available, but I just literally don't have the time or equipment to burn these for every one.... probably I will outsource this at some point.... and this may end up being faster than I thought but it may not be until the summer.... maybe late summer.



One of our members of our core research group, “UNDERGROUND LAB”, does a critical analysis on some of my findings.  I loved this!  She asks hard hitting questions that totally hit the mark and puts me to the task of communicate my findings better, consider thinking more thoroughly on various outstanding issues and overall provides really positive constructive criticism and suggests a meaningful directional impetus for me to reflect on.
Some feedback on what I understood Doc to have written:

Inherent assumptions:

1.       (stagnant) Red blood cells existing in unclumped form are healthier than clumped

2.       An organism has an optimal balanced state

3.       Frequency of sound from external source can override(manipulate ) human will (intention)

4.       Vibrations from stars travel through space to penetrate Earth’s atmosphere and human bodies in equal panoptic amounts

5.       Blood electrification results in increased energy available and by supposition healthier state of existence and by supposition happier/better

6.       After listening to sound frequency, the supposed (“unclumped”, “rouleauxing”, “stagnant”) red blood cells maintain free movement. For how long?

7.       Link from Dr. Richard Lloyd after the words ‘Good photos’ does not work, place on new line and remove space.

8.       Frequencies are received by all cells equally and penetrate brain cells in the same way, and by supposition received through the epidermis and skull bone concomitantly

9.       The word spirochete has one t

10.   Spirochetes and similar organisms react in the same way to stimulation

11.   Spirochetes can be excited / heated and their normal cycle effect of burying into membranous tissue terminated i.e. their burrowing behaviour reversed

12.   Sound frequency penetrates the body through space from the outside to the inside similar to ripple effect seen on water with stone thrown

13.   Frequencies can increase energy and by supposition use water requiring fluid replacement

14.   Frequencies create increased electrical charge at cellular level and by supposition use water requiring fluid replacement

15.   Length of exposure to specific frequency have a determinant effect on cell respiration and by supposition water usage. Is the main effect on the brain which travels to the lungs increasing oxygen which travel to all cell to respire and use more water? 

16.   Exposure to frequency impacts on human respiratory cell process

17.   Exposure to frequency impacts on human respiratory cell process intensity (i.e. more processes per second) 

18.   Exposure to frequency impacts on human respiratory cell process intensity (i.e. more processes per second) which is beneficial for the cell and by supposition the body

19.   (If crops were tested for same nutrient levels after acceleration rate of 300% in yield increase (clarity needed to define length of time from sewing of seeds to harvest, height, grew faster i.e. accelerated or yielded more in same time as unexposed plants) to deem the process equal to normal respiratory cell process nutrient levels, and I can only guess at the fact they don’t [since I am a staunch rival of genetically engineering or fiddling with nature where food plants are concerned] which leads to ‘how do you define safe’ since nature changes her crop every harvest, presumably due to weather and warmth and soil nutrients and precipitation, all factors which affect the human body equally.)

20.   Complicated frequencies are more beneficial than simple tones [see meditation and mantra evidence of monks in monotone or thereabouts]

21.   Entrainment of an organism (i.e. cardiac rhythm in the human organism) can occur through sound

22.   Entrainment or heart synchronisation leads to harmony of feeling [Read that there are some people living happily without pacemaker and have irregular cardiac rhythm]

23.   Louder frequencies will have more affect at cellular level than quieter frequencies

24.   There is an optimal %  water in body, temperature of body which is affected by an optimal sound volume level; direction of sound source; distance from sound source; which provides an optimisation of the human body.  How do you define an optimised human?  Has to be from their own perception which is always going to be subjective to laboratory scrutiny.  Possibly look at daily exposure to sounds correlated against number of known illnesses occurring over prolonged period based on the supposition repeated exposure is better than one instance as per plants suggest.

25.   As per doctors comments, choice of part of cell studied under the microscope will guarantee to be the same each extraction of cells you make from any human body.

26.   Periodicity = regular intervals = harmony.  How do you define harmony and what does this mean?  Harmony of the two sides of brain as per Bentov?

27.   Aperiodicity = irregular intervals = disharmony

28.   Entrainment is good for an organism e.g. human

29.   www.binaural- . Has this work been done already?  How is your work different to theirs?  Have they tested under laboratory conditions to back up claims?  Are their claims legitimate? 

a)      What part does the nervous system in humans have to play in this process of exposure to vibrational sound? [as opposed to internal mental sound] 

b)      Can brain/nerves/ breathing be manipulated?

c)       What if the main effects of sound were on chakras /nadis/ nerve plexuses which decided to increase the amount of oxygen into the body by breathing deeper as a result of listening to nice sounds or taking less oxygen in and pumping it faster as a result of listening to nasty sounds?

d)      Can plant experiments be conceivably superimposed onto human reaction?


I am taking chlorophyll (6 tabs 3 times per day) at the moment http://www.chlorell  and I have noticed a greater ability to see plant auras but that may be as a consequence of looking for them or coming out in sympathy with their greenness!  As I child I would eat grass from the back garden so I don’t appear to have grown up at all!  Note how this website presents the findings concisely for the reader to decide.
If a constant, chlorophyll could enter the body which we can deduce (Chlorophyll helps build up the oxygen carrying red blood cells in our bodies) reacts to sound, could it be conceivably the normative factor in baselining all human responses to soundofstars files to ensure similar response and benefits?